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POV: Alexis
I was blanking out, I couldn't move, I couldn't hear, I couldn't speak, my vision was blurry I could feel the doctors moving around me, panicking. I felt a burn on the back of my neck no one noticed it because my hair was always down and no one saw it I mean I felt the pain before but it wasn't this bad, it felt like a gash.
It was difficult for me to breathe, my stomach hurts, and my leg. I wanted to quit, I wanted to end my pain.

Should I end it be happy in my afterlife with my whole family or should I try and get better, get out of the hospital to no shelter, no family, and being depressed. All these thoughts were going through my head before I actually thought I was gone.

POV: Amelia Shepard
Wilson paged me in for an exam on Alexis, I knew she wasn't doing good, she wasn't sleeping or eating and she wasn't physically active either, she's an actual human train wreak which isn't very good for the brain.
I went in to see Wilson panicking and calling Avery, I looked over to see Alexis sitting up on her bed, eyes wide open and pale. I went in the room confused and Jo came up to me horrified.      "What's wrong? is the patient okay?" I asked "I don't know what's wrong with her I mean her pulse is thready and she is looking very pale. I look over to her and grabbed my flashlight, and checked her pupils and her brain function, "can you push my hand?" I simply asked her but nothing she didn't even blink.  Avery and Link came running in, I didn't know what has happened, Avery comes in holding her hand and started talking to her                                            "How long has she been like this?" I asked Jo, " I don't know maybe like 6 minutes before you got here, I didn't realize it at first because she's always in this position.  But then I got concerned and well here we are. " Avery was doing a check up on her ad Link was helping him.  'Oh ya, and I also set her up for an EEG scan for her hallucinations." 

Meredith came in " Hey, what's happening? is she okay? Why does she look so pale?" (B.P starts to rise) Shit, I whispered as we all start to come towards her. She passed out we brought the crash cart and then out of my eye she started seizing. " Okay let's get her on her side, I said trying to stay as calm as I can.

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