Where did i go

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The fake doctor dragged me while tightly holding my hand I stopped him and said: What are you doing? Are you crazy, look what u did to my hand (leaving a big bruised hand print)!
He ignored me and pushed he into a random door that turns out to be a flight of stairs he grabbed me by the hair and told me that I have to keep my mouth shut or else as he continued tugging on my hair.
Meanwhile Jackson came running up to my brothers room constantly looking around that floor for me.
Amelia was walking across the hall and saw Jackson having a panic attack,
She came to him and told him to sit down and just try and breathe.
Jackson felt better and said: I need your help!
Amelia was confused and said: umm ok I guess.
Jackson told Amelia to page Meredith, Jo and Hunt 911 ASAP!!
They all came rushing through the doors and Jackson told them how I've been kidnapped and probably been holding hostage somewhere in the hospital.
Hunt told Grey to look in the upper level and Jo and I will look for her in the lobby, While u Shepard Avery will look in the lower floors.
The fake doctor started to get mad and held me but the back of my neck to make me go faster.
Then he found a darker hallway where he saw no sign of anyone, He saw a big janitors closet and shoved me in there while locking the door behind him. I tried escape knowing that I could get out and run but every time I would try to get to the door he would shove me into the shelves until I was weak enough to give up. After 5 times of me trying to escape I eventually couldn't get up so he pulled me up and started to threaten me to give him money and I knew that I only had 2 bucks that I spent on my muffin do he pussed me again and said: Well, u asked for it while he unbutton my sweatshirt and started biting my neck.
He dropped me on the floor and I tried to call for help hoping someone will come for me, but every time i sound came out my mouth he would aggressively go on top of my stomach and put his arm under my head and stared at me crying scared to say anything he sushed me and told me if I didn't give him what he wanted he would stand on my arm
He picked me back up and said give me your money or I'll punch you.
I was barely conscious
So I wanted to show him I wasn't lying I shakily went to grab my pocket with my bloody hands to show him I have nothing so he punched me in the stomach and face multiple times and then he heard the alarm "CODE PINK CODE PINK"
He grabbed me and said that I better not tell anyone about him or he will come back then he shoved my into the cabinet while all the cleaning supplies fall on me and started running out the door hoping no one will see him.

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