I want to

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POV: Alexis
I was hugging her so tight and I couldn't feel anything. It felt so good to know someone that I went through the same thing.
"Hey when is the storm coming" I asked and she looked at me " the ness said in 2 weeks but we all know that they always lie" she said in a chuckle. I looked down and my hands and bit my bottom lip, " ummm.... I want to try walking?" I asked her hoping she will agree. " Okay, we can do that after you eat something" she said as I nodded my head.
She was paged to the E.R. And once again I was left alone. I was still crying and also laughing at the same time flashing back to my memories.
After half and hour Owen Hunt came into the room, " So how is my favourite patient?" He said with a chuckle.

POV: Owen Hunt
" So how is my favourite patient?" I asked Alexis as I came in the room. She turned back and and smiled " Hi Owen " she said as I walked in her room. She was in a wheelchair which was a good sign.
" so what's up? " I asked her
" Well, I told Jo that I wanted to try to walk but she said that (coughs) um she said I have to eat something, but I don't really want too, I'm scared because the last meal I ever ate was with my brother, and now he is gone too"
I want to yell at God for torturing her so badly, for taking everything she loved.
" Well if you need ill be there to hold your hand or cheer you on!" I told her trying to brighten the mood. She just smiled and looked back at the window, she wanted to get better, I didn't know what happened but at least she is trying.
" if u do get all better, where do I go? " she asked me
I had to think about this one cause I didn't know the answer. " Umm well we will tell you when that time will come" I told her back. " Do you need anything? I have to check on patients" I asked just to be nice. " Umm maybe do you have my brothers old personal bag? " she asked me and I nodded my head " Can you bring that for me please " she said with her hazel brown eyes " will do " I said leaving.

POV: Teddy Altman
I didn't get to check on Alexis in a long time, I have been so busy with work since I've been working double shifts, and at night I go home to my family, I was finally free, I wanted to see how she was doing, I heard along of things about her depression and starvation but I have also heard that she is doing better. I went in and saw that she was crying in a wheelchair by her window. " Are you okay?" I asked in concern " Oh teddy it's so nice to see you " she said as she wiped back her tears. " Do you want me to leave, I could come back another time" I didn't know what else to say,
She nodded her head left to right and sniffled her nose. I grabbed a chair and started to chat gossip with her about what happened in the pit since I knew she loved it " Oh my god so yesterday there was this really stupid teenage boys right, so they put life jackets all over the car thinking it will float." We started laughing and bonding so much until we didn't notice the time. Jackson, Jo and Bailey all came in. Bailey had a juice in her hand and Jackson had a meal It was small, just a bagel with cream cheese on it, they helped me back on my bed, and put my food tray In front of me. Everyone had a smile on their faces except for Jo who knew how hard this was for me. I picked it up with my hands and looked at the crispy bagel and then looked back up at everyone.

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