I saw him

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When Mer and Jackson already got there
Shepard was there and I still hadn't woke up but I started to code.
We need to intubate now she said Mer and Jackson came in to help "Talk me through it" said Meredith.
" I was coming in to have a check up on her then when I got in the nurse told me that she was sedated so I went to the counter to look at her chart and she started crashing I charged the paddles to 80 and then again to 110 and then u guys came in when I was about to intubate her"
Ah damn it we need a smaller tube or I will have to crike her said Jackson.
Give us a 2.5 tube he said.
Okay that will do he said.
B.P is coming back up said Meredith, soon afterwards she got paged down to the pit but Jackson and Amelia stayed. I slept in for almost 3 hours and they did stay with me for that long, well Amelia was kinda touch and go because was the only neurosurgeon here.
I woke up but I didn't open my eyes, I could hear people talking it sounded like they were taking about me. "Idk I just fell so bad for her" sounded Amelia " yea I get it she's been through hell and back" and that sounded like Jackson " do you know when she wakes up, I wanna try to make her eat something" Amelia added.
I slowly opened my eyes and I saw him. I saw the guy who has done this to me, he was right there sitting on the chair next to the window.

I started to choke on my tube.
Okay on the count of 3 spit it out okay, 1,2,3 (gags)
As soon as I spit the tube out I grabbed Jackson's hand and started squeezing it as hard as I could and my dark red eyes looked around everywhere.
Hey, hey what happened? Jackson said
He's back! The guy is back and he's gonna kill me!
He's here!
Jackson look around the room confused.
Where? He said I pointed to the window.
Both Jackson and Amelia looked at the window to see that nothing was there.

What the hell happened to me?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora