"Can we go dance, please?" Ellie pleaded to Ron.

"I'm not. You can," he said, not even looking up at her.

"I'll go with you, if that's okay with you Lizzie," said Harry.

"Yeah of course, I'm going to get something to drink. Would you like anything, Ron?"

All he did was shake his head at me while his eyes remained on the dance floor, well more specifically, Hermione.

I walked over to a table which had all sorts of foods and drinks on it. I went to reach for a cup of pumpkin juice when someone snatched it up just before I could.

"Gotta be faster than that."

I looked up to see Draco smirking. He seemed overly pleased with himself.

"Whatever, I think I saw Fred and George tampering with it earlier anyways."

He spit out the juice he had in his mouth and I laughed.

"So are you and Pottah having fun?" he asked, but I could hear a bit of jealousy in his voice.

"Yes, so much fun! How about you and Pansy? You guys looked like you were having a ball earlier."

He was about to respond when someone cut in, "Lizzie, I thought we told you to stay away from him!"

A hand grabbed my arm, and pulled me behind them. It was Sawyer.

"Leave her alone, Malfoy," he sneered.

"S, I'm fine. We were just talking," I said, stepping out from behind him.

"I don't care if you were 'just talking', he's not someone you should hang around," he snapped.

"She can hang out with who she wants, Rosewood," Draco jeered.

"Malfoy, leave my date alone. Last I checked, you came with Parkinson, so go find her," said Harry.

I looked around, and realized most the people in the hall were now looking at us. My cheeks flushed red with embarrassment so while Sawyer was scolding Draco, I snuck out of the ball.




"Way to go, Malfoy. Now my date is gone," Potter said, clearly angry.

"Please, you were dancing with someone else so I wouldn't talk, Pottah," I shot back.

McGonogall started making her way up to us. Great. A weeks worth of detention and 25 house points off of Slytherin for sure.

Blaise came up to me and whispered, "go before McGonogall kicks you out of here and you embarrass yourself even more."

"Fine," I looked up at Sawyer, "at least I didn't ditch her for her cousin like Pottah right here." I then left the hall in search of Elizabeth.

I stormed out of the ball, and walked to the stone covered bridge. I could see someone standing in the middle of it. I got closer and realized it was in fact Elizabeth. She looked so peaceful as she stood there. Little specks of snow dotted her hair, and her cheeks had a slight red tint to them from the cold. She looked beautiful. I stopped for a minute just to admire her.




I stood on the bridge, gazing out into the snowy night. I needed to get my mind off of what had just happened at the ball. Footsteps sounded out behind me. It was probably just one of my cousins coming to check on me, so I didn't bother turning around. The person came up to me, and stood next to me. A minty smell filled the air, and I felt a little excited because I knew exactly who was standing next to me.

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