35 - Never Really Over

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Days, weeks, and months flew by at Hogwarts. Umbridge was more controlling than ever, but we were still able to hold DA Trainings. Draco and I had not talked since he told Crabbe and Goyle to let us go a few months back. We'd occasionally share an awkward nod in the halls, but that's it. I did miss him though, and I wish things hadn't ended the way they did.

It was April, and we were practicing Patronus Charms. I was having trouble summoning mine as I couldn't really think of happy thoughts; until I thought of Draco and me.

Finally, a stallion circled around me and I watched in awe as it ran alongside Ginny's horse. We giggled as they chased Ron's terrier.

"A stallion. Strong and cheery like you, Lizzie," Harry commented as my stallion stormed past his stag.

I smiled at him. The sight of all the charms was truly amazing.

Suddenly, the animals all disappeared because the room began to shake. I shared a wondrous glance with Harry, and we both walked to the door. A small hole had been taken out. We both peered through to see Umbridge on the other side.

We were caught.

Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me back just as the door blew up. The Inquisitorial Squad and Umbridge filed in. They all wore smirks as they had finally caught us after months.

"Get them," she barked.

I felt a familiar pair of hands grab me. Without turning around, I could tell it was Draco. I looked away bashfully as he pushed me out of the room.

"Bring them all to the headmaster's office!" Umbridge called out cheerfully.

I sighed as Draco pushed me down the hall...but not down the one that leads to Dumbledore's office.

"Draco, what're you doing?"

"Quiet. Just do as I say," he said gruffly.

He pulled me to his room in the Slytherin house. Blaise and Oliver were in there, and they both smiled when they saw us come in.

"Finally! We'll give you two some alone time," Oliver said.

"No need. Stay here with her until I get back."

Before any of us could respond, he was gone.

"Well what was that about?" Blaise questioned.

"I don't know...but we've been practicing Defense Against the Dark Arts secretly for the past few months, and we just got caught by Umbridge and her squad. Draco brought me here instead of turning me in," I explained.

Blaise looked concerned. "I assume Ellie is a part of it. Is she alright?"

"I don't know...Draco pulled me out of there quickly. She was probably brought to Dumbledore's office."

"So Draco saved you?" Oliver asked.

I nodded slowly as the regret of breaking up with him finally hit me after months. I buried my face in my hands as I started to cry.

"Lizzie, what's wrong?" Oliver asked.

I felt him and Blaise sit down besides me.

"I can't believe I broke up with him..."

Blaise chuckled. "It's about time you realized."

"What if I lost him forever? What if he hates me?"

"Lizzie, stop being stupid. He wouldn't have saved you from Umbridge if he hated you," Oliver said.

"Yeah, he loves you," Blaise added.

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