Chapter Forty Nine "Have fun in hell."

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Chapter Forty Nine

Chapter Song: Hurricane - 30 Seconds To Mars

Austin's Point of View

I was anxious. We were all anxious. I bounced my right leg up and down, tapping my finger on my gun. The car slid sideways and screeched into a gravel road, following to the warehouse. We soon stopped and I opened the door and got out as fast as I possibly could. When everyone got out, we met up to go over our roles again.

"Everyone remember what they're doing?" All 4 heads nodded.

Sean stepped up to make an an announcement. "Alright boys, we may be outnumbered tonight but that doesn't and will not stop us. Tonight all the trouble will come to an end." We all put our fist in. "Long live The Chargers!"

"Long live The Chargers!"

We broke away and headed to our destination. We stopped before just entering and Kyle went up to clear up the front. Not long after, Robert and Alex ran from the side to the back.

Minutes after I heard gunshots. Footsteps started to crunch on the ground and we met with Kyle.

"It's all clear, you can head in with Sean."

We held onto our guns tightly while rushing to get inside. Sean led us in and check to see if anything was clear. I started to hear deep voices talking among themselves.

"Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Sean scrunched his eyebrows.


In the silence you could hear their voices echoing once again.

"We need to find that room," Sean said.

"Without back up? It's just us two."

"Hey remember what I said! You and I made a strong ass team, let's keep our title."

I nodded my head and we slowly walked around staying quiet. As we were walking farther down, their voices got even louder.

"We're close."

Every door we stopped at I looked under to see feet or any signs of light. We went through 3 doors already before approaching the right one.

Sean looked at me and we took a deep breath. We held our guns high up, ready in position. Sean kicked the door open and I rushed in following.

"Hands up!" Sean yelled causing everyone to shoot up from their chairs, stunned.

There they were with there hands up. Matt and Derek were all staring at me with hatred.

"Well, you found us," I heard the infamous voice speak.

Across the room stood the man that started everything.

"I hope all of you are ready to die tonight." I hissed.

Dean laughed, lifting his head up. "So I assume that you got the text? I figured that you would make your ass come over here. You wouldn't want your poor Elena to end up like your friends' girl Casey." He smirked.

"I don't give a shit about either of them anymore. They're dead to me, along with you."

"I know your capable of killing me. I also know that I'm capable of killing you. But, there is one thing that you can't stop..." He paused, "You can't stop this never ending cycle. If I'm dead it won't make a difference. This never ends."

I laughed. "We were content until you rolled back into the city, don't try to feed me your bullshit."

"Although I am glad that I ran into that sweet Elena of yours. Damn you caught a sexy one."

I pointed my gun up at him. "Don't even say her name. It sounds disgusting coming out of your mouth."

"I bet it sounded great when she moaned your name in bed, maybe I could try it out. I'll trade you my weapons for a fuck from your girlfriend."

"I said don't say her name!" I dodged into him, crashing us into the wall. I pinned him down and heard the sounds of guns cocking.

I looked up and saw Matt have his gun pointed at my head along with someone else. Derek had his gun to Sean's head.

"You shouldn't have done that you little shithead."

Kyle's Point of View

In the corner of my eye I saw a blonde guy walk over. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

I pulled out my gun. "I've seen you before. I have some questions to to you."

"You're not going to fucking touch me."

I didn't hesitate to shoot him in the left leg. "Now how about we get to those questions." I picked him up by his shirt and walked him farther from the warehouse.


I had Connor tied up, his bullet wound still fresh oozing blood. I hope that bitch gets infected.

I grabbed a piece of glass from off the ground and inspected it in my hand. "How about we do it this way, every time you don't answer my question or say something stupid I will drag this so deep in your skin you will be begging for me to stop."

He struggled in the chair trying to get out.

"How many guys do you have in that warehouse right now?"

Connor spat in my face. "I'm not telling you shit, go ahead and kill me."

"Alright, your choice." I grabbed the glass and went for the side of his face first, dragging it slowly and going deeper into the skin.

He was yelling for mercy, like anyone was going to save him. "Okay! We have 10!"

I stopped and held the bloody glass in my hand. I did the math, I killed 3 at the door leaving 7.

"How many were in the back?"

He hesitated at first but he decided to answer. "3."

"That leaves 4 left. Who else is with Dean, Matt, and Derek?"

"You have enough information already," He whined.

"Answer the question."

"No. I'm not listening to your orders."

"Oh right you'll listen to Dean because your his little bitch dog." I spat venomously.

I ripped his shirt open and cut down his abdomen. "Do you fucking like the pain?!" I finished. "Now tell me his fucking name."

"Drake. He's a friend."

I nodded my head. "Good. How many weapons do you have?"

"I'd rather die." He said in agony.

I brought my fist into the side of his face
several times. I took the glass once more cutting ever more of his skin, slitting his wrist as well.

I was just going to slit his throat before he decided to answer. "We have 3 bombs. The rest of the guns are the ones we carry on ourselves."

I looked down at his bloody body dying right in front of me. He was having trouble with his breathing.

"One last question."

"What is it?" He had trouble getting out.

"Are you ready to die?"

I brought the glass up to his neck and cut deep and quick before he could get an answer out. Blood was rushing out and in a matter of seconds he was dead.
I was satisfied with my work. I wiped the blood on my hands onto my shirt.

I made my way quickly to the car and grabbed the vodka in the backseat. I took the rest of it left and poured it over Connor's body. I took my lighter and a cigarette out, lighting it.

"Have fun in hell you son of a bitch." I said before throwing the cigarette on his body. Watching it light to flames.


1 more chapter left, are you ready?

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