Chapter Eleven "Oh? Do i make you nervous?"

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Chapter Eleven

Chapter Song: Lollipop - Framing Hanley

Elena's Point of View

I got discharged from the hospital today, Tuesday. I refused to eat all of the food that they brought me but they said that I had to eat. My grandparents were downstairs waiting for me. I still haven't see their faces yet.

One of the nurses came knocking on the door. "Ms. Carter it's time to leave."

She escorted me from my room down to the waiting room. When I turned the corner I saw 2 elders standing by the door with bright smiles on their faces.

"Grandma? Grandpa?" I said quiety.

"Oh Elena." My Grandma came up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. She pulled me into a warm hug. "It's been so long, too long."

"Well how bout we go back home and show Elena her new home." My Grandpa grabbed my hand and all 3 of us walked to the car.

They are actually my dad's parents. I can't really remember how my dad looked since it's been so long. I could tell that his mom had the same color eyes as he did.

My Grandpa pulled up into the driveway. "Here we are."

I got out of the car and noticed that my car was in the driveway. I made my way to the front door and walked into the house. It was so much more fancy and more exspensive then my old house. It was beautiful actually.

"Your room is upstairs on the left side."

All my stuff was here in the room already.The view from my window was beautiful. You could see the water and the sun was in just the right part in the sky. My grandparents actually lived on the water. I was farther away from school, it was all the way on the other side.

I lay down on my bed and rested my hands on my stomach. I closed my eyes, but then someone knocked on the door.

"Come in."

My Grandma walked in and took a seat on the end of my bed. I sat up and had my back against the wall and pulled my legs to my chest.

"I just want you know that this is your home and I now that it's going to take some time to get used to, but I know that you'll love it here."

I half smiled. "Thank you for taking me."

"Honey, you're my granddaughter I will always be here for you."

Sarah was chowing down her salad. "So how's your grandparents house?"

"It's only been 3 days."

"And your point is?"

"Good, it's just that I can't sleep. I've been having nightmares ever since I moved in with them. I feel like my mom is going to somehow take me away from them and kill me."

"Elena you're fine. She can't get to you where she is now."

I knew Sarah was being a good friend and just trying to help me, but she's never been in a situation like this.

Sarah grabbed my hand. "Come with me to go buy a bag of popcorn."

At the dinner table my grandma always ask me how my day was and how I'm feeling.

Fine. Good. Lost.

"Honey maybe you should start to open up more, be a little happy. From here on out everything just gets better. You don't need to bottle up your feelings because one day you'll break. I just want to see you smile again."

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