Chapter Twenty Nine "I was afraid to love."

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Dedicated to juilette7

Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Song: Fall For You - Secondhand Serenade

Dean's Point of View

I whipped my phone angrily out of my pocket. Derek was the first person I saw on my contacts list.

After 3 rings I heard the deep firm voice.


"We have a problem."

"As in?"

"Let's just say our little friend Mahone came back and fucked us over." I stood around our use to be warehouse.

It was burned down to absolute nothing.

"Our warehouse is gone. Burned down completely."

"I can only guess who." He paused. "Austin."

"Yeah, we're making our move tonight. It needs to be done sooner."

"We also need a new warehouse."

"I'll leave that job up to you."

"I'll get all the guys together."

"You go do that. I have a very important person to visit." I hung up and smirked.

I went to downtown Miami.

I saw the one and only, Tyler James.

I got out the car and began to walk towards him, making direct eye contact.

He gave me a dirty look and got off the bench, walking further away.

That only means one thing, he knows who I am.

My guess is that Elena told him.

I chased him into an ally and grabbed his shirt and pushed him into the wall.

"So I see your trying to run away from me?"

He spat in my face. "What the fuck do you want?"

"Oh c'mon you know who I am and what I do. You have no idea what I want?"

"You want to hurt me just to fuck with Elena, and then Austin will be concerned with her, then you get to fuck with him so it's easier on your part. It's not that hard to figure it out buddy."

I punched him right in the gut.

"No one talks to me like that. Your friend Elena learned from that." I chuckled.

"I can't wait till Austin gets his hands on you and kills you all, then all of this will just be over."

I laughed. "Over? You really don't know how gangs work. They just come back and all hell breaks out only to end up with people getting burned straight to hell."

"Pretty sure you're going to be burned straight to hell and I can't wait for that day."

"I would watch out if I were you because I will kill you."

I gave him one last punch in the nose and left.

Elena's Point of View

I stormed through the front door of Austin's house.

"Austin! Austin!"

He came running down the stairs. "Baby what do you need?"

My heart was beating so fast. It's not that I was scared or worried, I was furious.

Bad Boy MahoneUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum