Chapter Sixteen "Trust me."

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Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Song: Stop This Song - Paramore

Elena's Point of View

"What do you mean? You're my personal bodygaurd? I don't need that." I got up and walked away.

Austin grabbed me by the wrist. "I have to, this guy is sneeky and we can't risk that." He paused. "Trust me."

"Trust is earned, I can't just give it to you."

Did Austin really deserve deserve my trust? Sure he did. Through everything so far he keeps his word.

"You have to keep me safe from him until this blows over, okay?"

"Okay." He smiled. "That's really want I've been doing." He locked his fingers with mine.

The 1st bell rang. Austin and I walked to class together.

"Last week of school until Thanksgiving break. Are you going to go see any family?"

"Not planning on it. I haven't seen my mom in about 2 years and I highly doubt that she will want to be having a Thanksgiving dinner with me. What about you?"

"My Grandparents and I are flying out to Chicago to go see my Dad's side of the family. That's where I lived before everything happened and I just want to go back to see everyone."

"Are you sure you'll be able to handle going back?"

"I've been through so much already. I'm tough. I'm pretty sure I can handle it."

We walked in and took our seats. "Have fun up front." I teased.

Austin is such a trouble and Mr. Wilson hated him.

English isn't really bad, but it isn't my favorite. Today Mr. Wilson was just talking about what we were doing today and I didn't pay attention.

While Mr. Wilson was writing on the board Sarah threw something at me.

"Sorry." She mouthed.

I picked up the rolled up ball of paper from the ground and unraveled it.

So, you and Austin?

I wrote her back saying that we are nothing but but just friends before I looked back up and was pretending to care about the words Mr. Wilson was speaking.

I heard the sound of the paper right by my feet. Leaning down, I picked it up and opened it.

Friends with benefits?

I lokked over at her and she laughed silently in her seat. She was trying to hold in her laughter and she wasn't doing a very good job.

"Calm down." I mouthed over to her.

"I'm sorry am I interrupting you two ladies?" Mr. Wilson crossed his arms.

"Sorry." I said.

"Do it again and you'll be stepping out in the hall."

We both chuckled lightky and i shook my head.

I decided to keep this conversation going and wrote her back saying that I didn't like him at all and we have nothing going on.

I saw her read what i wrote down and saw her pen moving across the paper. Soon enough I got the note back.

Sure doesn't seem like it when Alex caught you two on the back patio last week. (Alex told me about it.)

I felt so embarrassed when that happened. I wrote her back and waved my hand trying to get her attention.

"Elena I'm going to have to tell you to go out in the hall. You're making a scene in the back of my class."

I shoved the note in my pocket before getting up from my desk and making my way out the door. Mr. Wilson shut the door right after i was out of the room.

Really? I'm in the hall? I'm a senior in high school I'm not in 4th grade. I chuckled to myself just thinking about it.

A minute later I saw Austin walking out the door and he sat next to me on the floor.

"Why the hell are you out here?"

"I couldn't leave you out here alone for another 20 minutes." He laughed. He got up from the floor and held out his hand. "C'mon."

He helped me up from the floor and we started walking down the hall. "Where are we going?"

We went out the side doors in the school and started to walk off campus.

"Why are we walking over here?"

We kept walking until we were away from the school and we stopped by an abandoned house.

"We have to go out back." He took my hand nd walked me to the backyard and we stopped infront of a tree.

"A tree house?"

We climed in and it was actually a pretty big tree house. Austin grabbed a bottle of vodka from a case in the back.

He took a shot from the bottle and held it out towards me. "Want to take a shot?"

I had it at the halloween party and stole it from my mom a couple times before. I actually liked it. Well, not the taste of it but the feeling. It makes me feel so good. So yes, you can guess that I took the bottle and took a shot.

"Robert and I found this place last year."

I watched him take another shot and then licked his lips.

Silence took over us and it continued to stay quiet. I latched my teeth onto my bottom lip once more as the air grew thick.

"You always do that."

"Do what?"

"Bite your lip."


He stood up from the chair and started to walking around the tree house.

"You do it when you're just bite you lip."

"No I don't." I defended myself despite the feeling in my stomach.

He came closer to me. "Yes you do." He smiled.

I felt my palms geeting all sweaty and every inch he moved closer I could feel my stomach doing cartwheels.

"The night at your house..." He inched closer to me. "When I was with you that night. You just..." He gently brushed his finger tips against my lips. "Bit your lip."

All the images flooded my head from that night.

"That just means..." our chest were touching and I could smell the liquor in his breath. "I make you nervous."

My stomach was churning. He is right. I can feel it inside of me, I do get nervous around him.

His face was millimeters away from mine and before I could process this moment, his lips pressed firmly on mine.



It took me an hour just to find a song for this chapter! I guess it kind of matches because the lyrics are like not wanting to fall in love and Elena is like that with Austin...UNTIL THE END

Anyways here's the next chapter, see ya Saturday!

Song on the side -->

@IRWlN666 xx

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