Chapter Two "I need you to do a favor for me."

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Chapter Two

Chapter Song: DNA - Little Mix

Elena's Point of View

We were all supposed to meet at Mindy's Grill tonight. I guess it's some place in town teens go to for fun and to hang out. There's a bar, some pool tables, and anything else. It's a hot spot.

I was wearing dark skinny jeans and a black tank-top. I topped it off with a cheap leather jacket and a little heeled boot. I told my mom I was sleeping over at Sarah's so that is figured out. As I was driving I was wondering why Austin wanted all of us there, including me. I hardly know him? All he does is give me looks that I don't even understand.

I pulled up and parked and saw Robert waiting out by the doors for me like he said he would. He swung his arm around my shoulders in a friendly manner and directed me inside. Just when we walked in it looked like just as I imagined it to be. It's not big nor is it small. We saw everyone gathered by a table with drinks all set up.

"Hey Elena," Sarah wrapped her arms around me for a welcoming hug. "You're still coming to my place after, right?"

"Yeah, my mom fell for it."


We stood around for at least a minute it seemed like before anyone said anything.

"So, who's ready for a good night!" Robert yelled and held up his drink. We took ours and cheered for the night, our cold cups clasping together making a 'ching' sound.

All 6 of us went for the pool table and played a few games. Even though I've never played a game or known any of the rules, after watching Alex and Robert play a game I had an idea. It was me and Sarah and I beat her by 10 points. Everyone went up against me and they all lost, but one person didn't go yet. Austin. He walked up and made his shot. It was a good game between us, but I felt uncomfortable with his eyes watching every move I made. He ended up winning and we took a break.

"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back." Sarah informed me. Robert came up to me and pulled me to the side, he leaned in close to my ear, 'Watch out for Austin. Be careful." He then walked back to where the boys were and Sarah came back. I was trying to figure out what Robert ment. What could he do to me? What would he do to me?

"What's with the look?" Sarah said.

"Is Austin bad or something?" I had to ask her. It's like trying to solve a puzzle.

"Well, he's not good. Why would you ask that?"

"Robert, he told me to watch out for Austin. To be careful." Her face got serious and her eyes widened.

What was going on?

"Sarah is there something I should know?" I placed a hand on my hip.

"Elena, Austin brought us here for a reason," I let her continue. "He came here mostly for you."

He was giving me strange looks for a reason. What does he want with me? I'm useless.

"Let's go back by the boys and enjoy the rest of the night, okay?" I nodded in agreement and we walked back on over.

We sat down at a table and ate pizza.
The rest of the night was weird, awkward, but for me it was dangerous. Whatever it was I had to be careful for, I had my eyes open. I was sitting by the bar on the stools and drank water, wrapping my head around this.

Someone came and sat next to me. They were watching me.

"Hey." I turned my head and it was Austin. I look back forward, ignoring him.

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