Chapter Fifteen "Keep an eye out."

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Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Song: Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys

Austin's Point of View

"Take a seat." The cop spoke. "I have a couple questions to ask you." He said pulling out a yellow pad of notebook paper.

I rested my elboes down on the table. "Ask away."

"Where were you the night of October 25th 2013?"

"I was out with my buddy Kyle."

"What's his last name?"


He jotted down my words before looking back up at me. "What were you two doing that night? You were supposedly with Andrew that night."

"We were giving him some money that we owed him. After that Kyle just left and I went back over to my ex girlfriends house to fuck."

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, writing anything useful information down on the pad of paper.

"About what time was it when this happened?"

"Does it fucking matter?"

"Yes it does Mr. Mahone, now answer my question."

"It was around 12:30 in the morning."

"What's the girls name?"

"Casey Brooke."

He wrote down her name before asking me one last question. "Did you see Andrew at all after that night?"

"Not at all, I don't pay attention."

He closed his notepad.

"Nothing found in the house sir. All clear." The voice came through the walkie talkie on the cops uniform.

"We'll keep in touch Mr. Mahone."

I nodded my head making my way out the door. "I'll always be here."

Casey's Point of View

God I can't believe I actually have to fucking do this.

"Were you with Austin Mahone late at night on the day of October 25th 2013?"

Shit here it comes.

"Yes I was."

"Where were you at with him that night Miss Brooke?"

"He was over at my house sir."

He jotted down every word I said on a yellow notepad. "Did he ever go home that night?"

"No, he stayed the night and left the next day."

"About what time did he leave?"

Shit do I have to be this specific.

"He left around 11 in the morning since it was a Saturday."

"Did you ever know who Andrew Pearson was?"

"Yeah, I only met him a few times."

He nodded his head. "Did you ever see him around after October 25th?"

"No I didn't sir."

He closed the notepad. "Thank you for your time, you're free to leave."

'No problem, I was forced to do this.' I said in my head.

Elena's Point of View

I came home and hung up my purse after just coming back from the Miami police station.

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