Chapter Twenty Eight "Blown to bits."

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Dedicated to lovemahone209

Chapter Twenty Eight

Chapter Song: Burn - 3 Days Grace

Elena's Point of View

"So when can I see you?" I bit my lip and sat down on my bed. I started to fiddle with the blanket draped over the bed.

I heard sighing on the other line. "Baby I don't know."

I wasn't happy with the response I heard. "I miss you."

"I miss you too."

Hearing his voice over the phone isn't the same as hearing it in real life.

"Please call me when you're done with you know..."

"The bombing." He said in a stern voice.

"Yeah." I whispered into the phone.

"I'll be fine."

I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "Okay."

"I have to go now, business to do," He paused. "I'll call you later tonight."

The line went dead.

I groaned and threw my phone on my bed.

I ran my fingers threw my hair and wrapped my arms around the stomach. Austin claims to be a pro at all of this but what if he fucks up just once? He could end up dead. I can't have him make a stupid choice and end up not being here the next day.

It's been a week since I was wrapped up in his arms, since he was kissing my forehead, since I saw his face.

God I just miss him.

I decided to just take a hot bath and keep my mind off the negative and wait for him to call me.

Austin's Point of View

Logan came into the living room rounding us up.

"I have everything set up. The truck is loaded. Let's go."

I smirked to myself and walked out the door.

I felt like I was on top of the world.

Logan drove, Alex, Sean, and Zach sitting in the back, I was in the front.

"So this Dean guy, he kidnapped your girl and kept her captive?"

"Please don't bring it up. It angers me enough that he even had the fucking nerve to mess with her like that just to destroy me."

Everytime I hear his name I can see the image in my head of me killing him and shooting a bullet through his damn head.

Logan rubbed the back of his neck. "Shit man, I'm sorry."

"He's been messing with me for to long. I even have to put Elena on lockdown, because if anything she would be his first target."

We pulled up to theside of the road, on the other side the warehouse would be on. There wasn't a clear sight of it yet.

Logan and I made our way into the woods to start walking to the sight.

"Sean tells me that you started when you were 16."

"Yeah, I've done a lot of things since then. I'm just as experienced as him, if not even more experienced then him."

After a few more steps Logan pointed out to me where the trigger was to set the bomb and blow the warehouse to pieces.

"Step one of our plan, send them a warning telling them to keep an eye out."

I checked my watch to see what time it was, 8:46.

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