Chapter 5:six bags

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(This chapter is edited)

In Altea Marth, Ike, and Roy were getting ready for the University. "Alright are you guys ready?" Marth asked. Ike and Roy both nodded in response. "Uh Marth I don't mean to be a bother but is there really a reason to have six huge bags?" Roy asked only holding three bags while Ike carried two.
"I-I just shut up! Come on let's go." The three got in a limo ,and drove off to the University.
"So, what are you guys thinking?"Ike asked.
"Well I'm excited because this year my goal is to get a girlfriend!"Roy said confidently. Marth and Ike looked at each other then back at Roy."That's what you said last year." Ike objected.
"And the year before that." Marth added.
" Well this year it's going to be different." Roy assured them.
"Right well other than that come up with something good." Ike said rolling his eyes. Roy and Marth started to think. There was a long moment of silence until Marth spoke up. "I've got it ,and it's much better than Roy's."
"HEY!!" Roy yelled in anger.
"Anyway I'm excited to smash of course."Ike and Roy looked at Marth."What..... don't you get it because...ya know."
"Oh we get's just not funny. Out of all the things you could have said Marth. Ike and I are truly disappointed." Roy said crossing his arms

"Let's never speak of this."Ike suggested they agreed ,and luckily showed up at the University.
Marth's servant took his six bags ,and he managed to carry all six bags. The three (and Marth's servant) headed over to the front doors. "This is it,"Marth said as he looked at the doors.
"Ok we know Sherlock just open the doors!" Ike said annoyed. Marth looked back at Ike wanting to kill him right there ,but luckily didn't. Marth opened the doors and the others did as well. They all went up to the front desk."Hello um may we have our papers and keys." The lady at the desk looked up ,"Oh yes of course may I have your names please."
"I'm Marth I have Roy and Ike with me also." The lady started to look through files making a huge mess.
"Here ya go,"she said handing Marth all three papers and room keys.
"What's your name?" Roy asked looking at the lady smirking mischievously.
"I'm Midna nice to meet you." She said holding out her hand ,and shook it with Roy's.
"Thank you Midna."Marth said as he walked off. Roy and Ike followed behind as they walked down the hallways going towards the dorms. "Marth!.......Marth!...MARTH!"
"What do you want Roy!"Marth said twisting around.
"Give me the paper." Roy said holding out his hand. Marth handed Roy and Ike there paper along with their room keys.
"Cool I'm room b25!What rooms are you guys in?" Roy asked.
"C30,"Ike said, "b21"Marth said. "Sweet we're not to far away from each other Marth!" Roy said with excitement.
"Well see you two later." Ike said going in the direction of his room. Marth and Roy did the same.

"Okay let's see.......c27......c28...c29...and c30 here we go!" Ike opened the door ,and walked in the room. "Looks like my roommate isn't here." Ike unpacked all his things on one side of the room leaving the other side to his roomate."I guess i'll wait here for my roomate." He sighed laying on his bed.

To Roy now

"Yay i'm finally here!" Roy said as he opened the door to his room."So, you must be my roomate."A blonde hair boy said sitting on his bed."My name is Shulk nice to meet you." Shulk said showing his blue eyes to Roy. "Hi i'm Roy!" He said while walking in ,and unpacked all of his things."So, what game do you come from i'm from Fire Emblem."

"I come from Xenoblade Chronicals."Roy looked at Shulk with a blank stare."Never heard of it." Shulk sighed and said,"Yeah that's okay i get that a lot." Roy scratched the back of his neck and said,"Sorry about that anyway do you wanna meet my friends.One can have an attitude sometimes and the other is gay."

"I guess I have no choice." Shulk sighed.

To Marth!

Marth had found his room ,and did everything necassary. Now he was just laying on his bed waiting for his roommate. "Bye Lucina." A voice said from outside. "See ya later Robin." Another voice replied. Voices! Hopefully that would be Marth's roomate. Just as Marth sat up the door opened. A boy with white hair walked in with six bags."I'm not the only one!" Marth shouted as he realized he should'nt have."Oh sorry i'm Marth." He said scratching the back of his neck embarrassed

"I'm Robin what was with the shouting?" His roommate asked. "Well my friends made fun of me for having six bags so it's nice to see I'm not the only one." Marth cleared up. "Wait are you carrying those by youself."Robin stepped in and put his bags down."Well ya I can use my 'magic' to carry them."

"Oh cool," Marth said watching Robin unpack. RING!RING!!!! "Ugh stupid phone." Marth said agitated. "Why would Roy call me?"Marth picked up his phone ignoring Robin."Hey what's up Roy......Oh really i met my roomate too.....Call Ike let's see if we can meet up in the lobby....Okay........So by-.....Roy I get it now b-.......ROY!GOODBYE!" Marth hung up the phone and got up.

"What was that about Marth?"Marth looked at Robin,"Oh ya your here."

"Oh gee thanks."

"Don't take it to personaly. Anyway my annoying friend wants us to meet him in the lobby."

"Can I invite my friend to come with?" Robin asked.

"Why of course." Marth said in a British accent for no reason.

Back to Ike

"Alright Roy i'll see you there." Ike hung up the phone and laid down. "Ugh Why hasn't my roomate come yet!" Ike looked at the door hoping something cliche would happen."WHAT!That always works." He yelled annoyed.


"Hey Marth, hey Roy What's up." Ike said as he joined the group. The three friends were there along with three possibly new friends."Hi i'm Marth nice to meet you."Marth said to Shulk,"Hello i'm Shulk."

"I'm Ike nice to meet all of you." The group turned to Robin and his girl friend.(As in a friend that's a girl)"I'm Robin and this is Lucina."Lucina smiled and waved at the boys.

"So, Lucina are you seeing anyone speacial?" Roy asked Lucina making her face red."Uuumm no I am currently not." She responded. Marth and Ike both facepalmed."Well if you want I can ch-"Before he could finish his sentence Ike and Marth covered his mouth ,and dragged him off."What do you think your doing Robin obviously likes Lucina. So, keep your mouth shut."Marth said quitely making sure the others couldn't hear him."You literally just met the guy how do you know that?" Roy asked bothered.

"Just give him some time. Is that clear Roy?" Ike asked, and Roy responded by nodding his head.The three joined there new friends."Sorry about that he has a big mouth."

"WHAT I DO NOT HA-"Roy was cut off by Ike covering his mouth with his hand."What do ya say if we go search this place around." The group nodded and headed off.

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