Chapter 20: We ship it

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This chapter came out really late I know I've just been planning out the rest of the story and not focusing on actually writing the chapter anyway enjoy!

Robin fluttered his eyes open. His right arm was hanging off the side of the bed. He realized that someone was holding his hand too. He looked down at the floor and saw Lucina asleep but still holding his hand. "Lucina," Robin smiled and shead a happy tear.(so precious). He held her hand tightly and said, "Finally" as he looked up at the ceiling.

"SURPRISE!" A couple voices shouted slamming the door open ,making Robin jump and hold Lucina's hand tighter. Robin sat up and saw Link, Ike, Marth, and Pit. "Could you four be any louder?" He asked. "Let me see," Ike said. "No no no no, it was only an expression," Robin said shaking his left hand. "So, uh why is Lucina here?" Link asked. Robin quickly let go of her hand and said, "I'm actually not sure."

"Robin you don't have to act like you two aren't dating when we're around ya know." Marth said with a slight chuckle. "Well anyway can you guys go get nurse Daisy?" Robin asked. "Why? Are you cheating?!" Ike asked. "No idiot I'm hungry," Robin said. "Wait I don't get it," Link said. "Robin got shot and it damaged his stomach so he can't eat like a normal human being ,or tactition. He has to have medicine that's food." Marth said. "Alright then," Ike said looking over at Link. Link smirked and nodded his head. "NURSE DAISY ROBIN WANTS YOU!" They both shouted.

"Marth are my ears bleeding?" Pit asked. "Yes what is it?" Daisy asked coming into the room. "I was wondering if I could have some food?" Robin asked. "Uh ya let me just get something then I'll help you out," she said then walked back into her office.

"Wow you guys are annoying," Lucina said sitting up. "When did you wake up?" Marth asked. "A long time ago," Lucina said with a chuckle. "Anyway Marth how's the research coming?" She asked. "Not so well, some of it is written in a whole other language. All I know is that your dad is working on it ,and it has something to do with creating an illusion."

"That reminds me, can I have my phone back now?" Link asked. "Yea later," Marth replied. "Why later?" Link groaned. "Because I don't have it with me right now," Marth replied."Um what are we talking about?" Pit asked. "Its a long story, containing an operation we didn't know what to call and a trap door" Ike said.

"Anyway we should go," Marth said. "See ya guys later," Robin said waving his hand. "Bye," they said back. Marth, Link, Pit, and Ike left. Lucina looked at Robin and he looked at her. "I would've come sooner," he said. She smiled and said,"then why didn't you?"

"Lucina, I just wanted to say that day on the hill-" (WARNING actually never mind just keep reading).Robin started but got cut off by Lucina's lips connecting with his. (Ya tongue stuff happened that I didn't feel like writing). They finally pulled back from each other. "We shouldn't be doing this ya know," Robin said. "Well then we're just rebels," Lucina responded with a grin on her face. Robin pulled her in and their lips connected once more. (You can add your little details if you please).

"Am I interrupting something?" Lucina and Robin quickly pulled away from each other and tried to act normal. "Anyway Robin I'm just going to switch out your IV bag it'll be quick."

"Well Bye Robin," Lucina said. "Bye," he responded and she left.

Transportation to Master Hand's office brought to you by transportation

Palutena, Samus, Peach, Zelda, Rosalina, Link, Marth, Pit, and Ike all stood in amazement. "T-They just..........What the-" Samus started but Palutena put her hand over Samus's mouth. "D-Don't say it," she said. "Oh don't complain I've seen worse," Master Hand assured them. "Why do you even have these stalker cameras in here?" Link asked. "Link we've gone over this before haven't we?"

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