Chapter 14: Him

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 (This chapter is edited)

 "Master Hand! Master Hand!" Our main characters screamed as they ran down the hallway and into his office. "What is it?" He asked shocked at the sudden disturbance.

"Okay well I'll tell you the story-" Palutena said and began to tell him the whole story. (Which I am not writing again).

"So, I was wrong it's him and he's teasing us!" Master Hand realized.

"Who's teasing us?" Ike asked.

"It's not something you all need to worry about," Master Hand said.

In another area
"Shulk?" Pit, Marth, Roy, Zelda, and Peach shouted surprised as their blonde hair friend walked through the doors. "You see children he was willing to do the favor ,but to only be tricked in return." The shadow said as Shulk got pushed into the room by a mysterious figure. The figure then chained him up with the rest of his chained up friends.

"I'm sorry you guys," Shulk said with his head down. "I thought I'd be doing Robin a favor ,but I only made everything worse," he finished dropping his head ashamed of himself.

"Shulk it's not your fault they tricked you! Don't blame yourself we all would've done the same thing," the Hylian princess said.

"And now only six of you remain," the shawdow said with happiness.

"What do you want with us?" Pit asked demanding to be answered.

"You'll see very soo-"

"Wait! Don't you mean seven?" Zelda asked noticing the shadows mistake.

"How would you come up with seven?" Pit asked.

"Because the other seven are Lucina, Robin, Ike, Rosalina, Palutena, Samus, and Link," Marth explained for Zelda.

"Oh that's right you don't know about him," the shadow said.

"Who's him?" Peach asked.

"Your wonderful friend Robin of course."

"What did you do to him?" Shulk asked.

"Wait! Did he die?" Peach questioned trying to put things together.

"No Peach he turned on our friends and joined this things side!" Roy told her causing everyone to look at him. Even the shadow was surprised.

"H-How did you know that?" It asked completely astonished.

"What do you expect us to just sit here everyday doing nothing?"Roy asked.

"Um yeah pretty much," the shadow said in response.

"Well anyway I have my phone so I read each chapter of this story ,and that's how I know."

"How do you even have your phone?" The shadow asked sure that it took their phones away.

"You had your phone this whole time!" The others screamed.

"Ya, so what?"

"You could've called one of our friends," Zelda said as she face palmed herself.

"Oh well I didn't think of that," he said embarrassed.

"Get his phone!" The shadow screamed. Roy quickly went on it and started to call Ike.

"Don't just stand there Robin get it!"

The phone rang for a bit then Ike picked up. "Hello! Ike we're in the Mushroom Kingdom! Come save us ,bu-" Before Roy could finish a black hand stretched from the shadows and grabbed his phone. The shadows arm touched the light which caused the arm to burn a little.

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