Chapter 19: Bullet Shot probelms

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"ROY! STOP MESSING AROUND!" B said. B? Who's that? You may ask well while we were with our other main characters(Link, Zelda, Peach, Marth, Rosalina, Ike, Lucina, Palutena, and Samus) the weird shadow thing told the boys that they could call him B. Now what was Roy doing? Well he kept playing with all the machines in the throne room.

"YOU CANT CONTROL ME!" Roy shouted back. "I swear to god we shouldn't have kidnapped him,"B said regretfully. "We didn't really have a choice sir," his right hand man goomba said.(I think that's how to spell their names I'm not sure). "Ugh! Robin please get him to stand with the others," B demanded and Robin did as told. "This is like prison," Shulk complained. "That's what it's supposed to be like idiot!" B yelled. You see Robin told Pit, Shulk, and Roy to act really stupid. It was already easy for Roy and Shulk because they already act that way ,and Pit was fine with it.

Finally after ummm lets just say a very long time Robin forcefully made Roy stand next to Robin and Pit. "Alright you four we've decided to teach you some lessons," B said. "Lessons?" Pit asked. "Yes since your missing out on school I've decided to teach you the stuff they're teaching at the university and catch you up with your other friends at school." Shulk and Roy became wide eyed. "NNNOOO NOT SCHOOL AGAIN!" They cried in unison. "Well too bad deal with it," B said. So, B caught them up with everything that the school taught the other children.

Once they were done Robin asked a question. "How do you even know what they're teaching?"

"That's none of your business!" B shouted. "Actually since we all go to the school it's kind of all of our business'," Pit said sassily. "Woah Pit what happens to you?" Shulk asked. "Nothing,"Pit replied in confusion. "Hm, whatever anyway I think it's time to escape from this place what do you guys think?" Shulk asked. "I agree this place bores me," Roy groaned. "Your really going to say that right in front of the thing that kidnapped us in the first place?" Pit asked. "Ya why did I do something wrong?" Shulk asked.

"N-Nevermind," Pit said. "I have a plan to get out," Robin said. "Well then tell us!" Shulk urged. "Alright but we have to be away from B," Robin said. The others nodded. "Well now I'm not going to let any of you out of my sight," B said calmly.

Minutes later

"B I'm bored tell us a story," Roy demanded laying on the floor. "Uh I don't really know any stories," B replied. "Could you be any more boring?" Shulk asked. "S-Shut up! I can be fun!" B yelled. "Whatever can you at least tell us what you look like? Your always hiding in the shadows," Roy asked. "Well I am a shadow," B said. "WHAT?!" Roy and Shulk shouted in unison. "Ya see here's the story," B said but got interrupted. "I thought you said you didn't know any stories!" Shulk yelled angrily. "Shut up! Anyway ya see I'm trying to find the strongest smasher at the school so I can take their form. They also have to be compatible to the system." B said.

"Wait I thought you had to get eight of us then we'd like turn into ghosts or something like Peach did ,and then you'd like take over the world and kill everyone including Master Hand but eh I don't care." Roy said. "Well I'm still gonna do that but ever since we took Peach's body our systems have been upgrading. Now we just need to see which student can handle the procedure." B said.

"I'm confused," Shulk said. "Wait a minute where did Robin and Pit go?" Roy asked. They looked around but they were both gone. "They they left without us!"Shulk yelled. "I don't think I can handle this place anymore," Roy said starting to sound insane. "Don't worry all we have to see is if you two can handle the procedure if you can't we'll let you go ,but you might die during it," B informed them.

"Wait what'd you say about dying?" Shulk asked. "Oh nothing."

With Pit and Robin

"So this was you plan all along?" Pit asked Robin as bullets shot passed them barely missing their bodies. "Yep those two are so distracting and annoying it's easy to slip by." Robin responded. "We better go faster or they'll catch us," Robin said looking at the shooters(Which are shyguys with guns..........the imagination goes far) behind them. Robin and Pit picked up the pace. "Robin.....I.........think.....we.......should.....take......a......break," Pit said in between breathes.

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