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"Welp time to talk about our future I guess" Sohwa leaned on the side of the couch, reaching to grab the first card.

"We better, that voice sounded like it was gonna murder us if we didn't"

Changbin leaned over the arm, trying to see the card his girlfriend was looking at.

"Do we want to get married" she turned it so he could see easier as she read it.

"Obviously, I mean we've been together for a really long time, people usually get married before they even hit our time"

Sohwa stared at her boyfriend for a second while her brain caught up.

It spent too long on the "obviously" part and forgot that they'd been dating for so long.

"Oh my gosh you're right! We've been dating for so long, when the heck did that happen?"

"About eight years ago" Changbin replied back sarcastically, but he still let out a small laugh at his girlfriend's confusion.

"That's crazy. We should get married soon"

Sohwa didn't think about her words too much, she wasn't going to beat around the bush. They had been dating for almost eight years and were still in love with each other, why not get married?

"I agree, that'd be pretty cool"

Sohwa laughed a little bit about how casual they were being before turning to the next card.

"Do we want kids?" She read out loud, "I mean I don't really, I just think that with our jobs and especially Changbin's it'd be way too hard to take care of them the right way and I don't want to give a kid some trash childhood because we're busy"

"I can get another job babe, we're in this for the long run and the most important thing to me is our future family"

"I don't know, I guess we can think about it, but I don't want you giving up your dream"

"Whatever we decide will be okay with me" he pulled her onto the couch with him and wrapped his arms around her, placing a kiss on her temple.

"Min that's my hoodie" Seungmin whined as his girlfriend grabbed the cards off the table.

"Your hoodie is my hoodie, communative property bro"

Seungmin let out a laugh but pulled her towards him anyway, peeking over her shoulder to read the card.

"Oooooooo are we gonna get married?"

"Ooooooooo except we are babies, so not any time soon" Seo pecked his cheek as he laughed.

Their relationship still felt new and a little awkward even though they'd been dating for a while, and they hadn't had many deep conversations about their future or their relationship in general.

"Do you think you want to get married though? Like when we're older?" He questioned her and she only hesitated a moment before nodding her head.

"Yeah, I mean I think do"

"Yeah, I think I do too"

"Cool" she let out a small nervous laugh as they sat in comfortable silence for a little bit, just thinking to themselves about their future, now fully comfortable in their answer. This was their person that theyre gonna spend forever with.

"Innie read the card!!!" Luna yelled while her boyfriend looked at the card in pretend confusion.

"Hmm I dont know let me think about it"

"Inieeeeeeeeee" she whined out, climbing across the couch to wear her boyfriend was, stretching to try and reach the card in his hands.

He stretched his arm up, rapidly swinging it around while she tried to grab it or read it at the same time.

introducing my love - skz afWhere stories live. Discover now