input time !!

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I might be doing a few of these chapters, just to get some feedback and make it a little more interactive, but let me know if you like this or not !

I might be doing a few of these chapters, just to get some feedback and make it a little more interactive, but let me know if you like this or not !

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When they move in together, would you prefer :

♡ the couple's move in together (2 people in a house)

♡ all the couple's move in together (all 16 in one house)

♡ or something else, maybe split them in half or something, you can explain further if you pick this one

♡ or something else, maybe split them in half or something, you can explain further if you pick this one

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♡ Are you happy with the way your character is being portrayed?

I know some haven't gotten as much "screen time" as others, some of them it's because I feel like I dont have the best understanding of so if you want to give some more info on how you want them portrayed feel free to do so !!

I know some haven't gotten as much "screen time" as others, some of them it's because I feel like I dont have the best understanding of so if you want to give some more info on how you want them portrayed feel free to do so !!

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♡ Would you like fan posts?

As I'm writing down ideas for chapters sometimes in my mind little freak outs happen like how fans would react and i was thinking about possibly including them. It'd take me a little to figure out how to format it but I would be willing to if you wanted it.

♡ or maybe there's a different way that could show the fans reactions, feel free to let me know if you have any ideas!!

♡ or maybe there's a different way that could show the fans reactions, feel free to let me know if you have any ideas!!

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♡ Just comment what you like next to each question !

I finished with most of my homework so i was going to write a chapter, if most of the responses come in early I can probably get at least one chapter out today :)

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