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A loud wailing echoed throughout the hyung house, immediately jolting Eunbyeol from her already restless sleep.

"Is that-?"

She flung herself out of the bed as she heard the sound again, racing downstairs to confirm her suspicions.

There, right in the middle of the living room- were three cribs.

Eunbyeol thought they might have to do a challenge like this but was expecting baby dolls.

"Where did they get real babies?" She mumbled to herself as she wandered over to the crib.

"Well hey there little one"

The baby momentarily stopped it's screaming, looking up at the new face with wide eyes before letting out a slightly quieter cry.

She picked the baby up, bouncing it on her hip slightly as she walked around the room.

"Did your mother give you to random strangers for a day? That's kinda weird you know?"

She spoke quietly, slowly walking to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee.

Thankfully the cries hadn't woken up any of the other babies, and she walked back over to the cribs upon seeing tags stuck to the sides.

She walked up to the crib that had her and Chan's name on it, now empty as the child it once held was in her arms.

Upon further inspection she realized it was an envelope, and she pulled it off the crib before going over to the couch. Leaning the baby on her chest, she pulled the envelope open.

'hey Chan (or Eunbyeol) I'm sure you probably recognize mason here-"

What the- no? Why would she recognize this random child? Eunbyeol's eyebrows furrowed together as she gazed at the baby, trying to figure out if she had ever seen it before. Giving up, she went back to the letter.

"Grandma has lots of pictures of him, I think technically he's your second cousin once removed"

Eunbyeol looked back at the baby.

"What does that even mean?" She whispered at the now almost asleep little one on her chest.

Not surprisingly, the young boy didn't answer.

Smiling to herself, she slowly rubs his back with one hand as she goes back to reading.

' I know you guys love kids so I fully trust you guys with him for a day, and also that's one day when I actually get to sleep. So have fun :)

Love, Aubrey'

"We might be family one day little guy" she spoke to the child, recognizing Aubrey's name as Chan's cousin.

Mason was sound asleep as she peered down at him, and she decided to just stay in her spot as to not risk waking him up if she got up to grab her coffee. She leaned her head on the back of the couch, shutting her eyes and enjoying the feeling of the little boy in her arms.


Both Eunbyeol and Mason's eyes shot open, and the former shot Areum a pointed glare when she saw the little eyes looking up at her.

"Yes and he was asleep, but not any more" Eunbyeol takes the oppurtunity to head back to the kitchen since he was awake anyway.

Areum drops her head slightly before running over to the cribs, carefully avoiding Eunbyeol's gaze. She grabs the envelope and decides to sit on the floor right next to the crib, instantly recognizing the little one next to her.

introducing my love - skz afWhere stories live. Discover now