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"Hello my beautiful angels but also lying snakes"

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"Hello my beautiful angels but also lying snakes"

Areum strutted into the backroom of the cafe where Ayaka and Yeona were sitting, finishing off her strange greeting with slithering hand motions.

The two girls looked at each other with confused expressions.

'is she okay?'

"You're lucky JYP put us in different houses or I would have whooped both of you by now. YALL LIED TO ME!!!" She put on a nasally voice and made air quotes with her hands around the next part "What no we're both completely, 100%, fully single Areum you psycho".

The two younger girls looked at each other, surprised it took her this long to yell at them about it. They both felt a little guilty about lying to her, as she was basically their best friend and had been open with her relationship the whole time.

"Girls, I'm not mad, just disappointed" it was very clear that she was joking, but they still felt slightly guilty.

"In my defense," Ayaka started, "I've only been dating Hyunjin for a year and-"

"OVER A YEAR?! YOU'VE BEEN HIDING IT FROM ME FOR OVER A YEAR?" now Areum was a little offended, she thought the relationships were fairly new.


Yeona shot the younger girl a playful glare 'just expose me like that'.

Areum turned to turned to her other freind with an expectant gaze.

"Yeah uh-" Yeona tried to think of the best way to break it to her, "we started dating around the same time you and Minho did"

"Wow" was all Areum said, dramatically clutching her heart.

"Oh wow, she's hot" Yeona murmered under her breath, a habit she had picked up from clowning her boyfriend so much.

"She's hot, hot she's fine" Ayaka sang the next lyrics slightly louder then Yeona did.

Deciding to give up on keeping the disappointed look on her face, Areum joins in, screaming the next lyrics while doing some weird dance moves.

"Oh shoot" the girls freeze in the middle of their impromptu dance party, turning to look at the clock.

Realizing they were fifteen minutes past when they were supposed to open, they hurriedly slip on their aprons before sprinting out to open the door, giving warm smiles to the regulars who were waiting at the door.

Seeing who was working they just shook their heads before heading to the counter. It wasn't unusual for the girls to open late because they never got to work together and all had the attention span of a walnut.

"Welcome to Never Stray cafe, would you like the usual Ms.Kim?"

And so the girls started their shift, expertly flowing around each other while making drinks, grabbing muffins, and answering customers.

Eunbyeol, on the other side of the city, was having a much harder time.

She had been hired to take engagement photos for a very prissy couple, and was now setting up her lights in the middle of a road, hoping to get the photos taken without getting hit by a car.

"I think I like the other side better, the building that way are prettier"

Eunbyeol took in a deep breath. 'you couldn't have told me that five minutes ago? I ALMOST got hit by a car for you'

Putting on her most professional face and a sickly sweet voice, she nodded at the woman.

"Great okay then why don't you guys take a break, go grab a snack or something while I move my equipment and then we can get started again yeah?"

The couple nodded, heading off to a little cafe next door.

She shot another glance at her watch, letting out a sigh of relief when she saw the shoot was almost over.

"Hey guys why dont you go with them, this isn't gonna be anything interesting" she suggests to the staff recording and they happily take her suggestion, heading into a different building.

She moves one of her large lights across from the 'pretty building's before heading back to grab the other one.

"Hey there sweet pea"

Eunbyeol turned around, ready to tell off whoever it was that called her the name, but stopped when she saw who it was, shrinking back into herself in an attempt to seem smaller.

"You think we'd forget about you hm?"

There stood Wooseok, one of the dealers she had worked with as a teen.

"It sure would be a shame if all your new 'fans' heard about all the things you've done hm?"

He trailed a finger down her face and she tried her best not to flinch at the familiar move. There was a smug grin glued to his face and the disgust she felt for not only him, but the person she used to be filled her.

"Take your hands off me" she growled out, smacking his hand when he didn't do so.

"Feisty huh?"

"Always have been, do you not remember all those times i beat your ass? Or do I have to remind you?"

He took a few steps back but the smug look stayed on his face.

"Just know you won't be getting off that easy" and with that he left her, hailing a taxi before riding away.

She stood there as he did so, glaring daggers into his head until he was out of sight.

As soon as he was gone she crumbled onto the floor, pulling her knees to her chest and staring at the space where he had been standing. And in that moment she wanted nothing more than to be weak, to run to Chan and curl up in his arms where she felt safe.

But instead she stood up, brushing imaginary dirt off of her clothes, and got back to work.


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