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"Good morning honey bunch sugar pie pumpkin baby"

A flurry of giggles escaped Yeona's mouth as Jisung wrapped his arms around zir waist, resting his head on zir shoulder.

"Well aren't you just lovey today?"

"Just for you"

He placed kisses wherever he could reach, little pecks on zir cheeks, jaw, and a few quick ones on the side of zir neck.

"Sungie it tickles" zie let's out more giggles as he turns zir around.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

Having had enough of the dodging, Yeona reaches up to connect zir lips with zir boyfriends.

"Ight break it up ya nasties" Hyunjin entered the room, dramatically waving one hand while he covered his eyes with the other.

"What now?" Jisung turned to his band mate.

"There's another challenge. Which you would know if you were paying attention instead of eating eachothers faces but ya know-"

Jisung rolled his eyes before grabbing Yeona's hand, pulling zir behind him as he followed Hyunjin down the stairs and to the back yard.

"Where's everyone else?"

A large structure was set up in the back yard, Yeona couldn't see inside but it looked like there were probably multiple rooms inside.

"We're the last batch, everyone else is already in their room"

Yeona nodded zir head, pulling away from zir boyfriend to go visit Ayaka.

"So do we know anything about the challenge?"

"It's called A Look Ahead, so I'm guessing it's going to be about the future in some way but I'm not sure how"

One of the staff members waved each couple towards a different door.

"Well I guess we're gonna find out" Ayaka laughs out, and the two girls seperate to their couples.

They enter the makeshift building, finding themselves in a comfortable lounge room. It was in the shape of an octagon, and padded walls insured nobody outside of the room would hear what happened inside.

There was a small couch in the middle of the room, as well as two ottoman seats. A notebook and pen was sat on each ottoman and as the couples took a seat a loud voice was projected through the rooms.

"Welcome to the time pod couples, today we'll be looking ahead at your futures. There are notebooks in case you want to write anything down, and you'll find cards to get your conversation going on the small coffee table. Have fun!"

The voice seemed vaguely threatening, and all participating parties were vaguely on edge.

Hyunjin grabbed one of the cards and handed it to Ayaka, letting her read it.

'do you plan on getting married? Any details?'

"MARRIED??" Ayaka practically screams, not expecting to start off with that big of a question. Her boyfriend just laughs at her flustered state.

"You don't wanna get married Bunny?"

Ayaka blushes even more from the nickname, and she nods her head quickly.

"Well it's not that I dont want to get married, but we've only been dating for like a year."

Hyunjin raised one of his eyebrows, responding lightly with "Does it matter?"

introducing my love - skz afWhere stories live. Discover now