5. A Unexpected visitor

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Canadas Pov.

The whole meeting I was impatient to hear what was up with my sisters bandages. I glanced at her suspiciously. She was staring at her desk in deep thought. It was all striking me, how did never notice this before?  I often expected her just being up all night playing games cause she would always do that when we were kids. I guess she has matured from who she used to be. 

Every since we "Adopted" America, I  didn't see her as a extra person, but as an true sister. I would always ask about her mother and siblings, she would always let out an smile and a spark of energy filled the air and she would tell me all about it, and when she got to the part about my father. She would just have that look in her eyes but kept her face from saddening.  When we ''Adopted" Ame, she stayed in her room for weeks before she came out, when she finally did, she was a train wreck, scars, bruises, and she has bugs living in her hair. I remember my mother brushing her hair out and beetles and inch worms fell out. America had been so fascinated by how our bush was so soft, it was to funny.

When we " Adopted" America it wasn't really an adoption. My father killed Americas siblings and mother, she was the only one left so he took her with him. When I first met her she looked depressed, she was in a leather dress, and a beautiful braid that was messier then the twins room. My mother tried cheering her up with anything she had, but it didn't work.  When she warmed up to me and my siblings she would joke about her cotton dress was so soft compared to her leather one. 

I was so deep in thought, I didn't notice the people getting up and leaving. America got up and was rushing out of the building. I was going to run after her but stopped when my boyfriend, Mexico, walked up to me. " What are you planning to do tonight hoja de arce ( Maple Leaf)?'' He said sitting down to the chair next to mine. " I was going to try to go back with America, but she left before I could talk to her. So what do you wanna do?" I ask  him. " Well, I was going to be lazy and eat Tacos y patatas fritas( Tacos and Chips) and laugh at Area-51 movies, but we could do something else hoja de arce(Maple leaf)." Mexico explained. "Lets go to my place then shall we?" We laugh and walk outside, I call an Uber and we head off.


I fast walk out of the building not wanting to explain my scars, that's a path I don't want to cross today, and also the fact that my children are most likely stabbing each other with spoons or eating each other alive. I quickly call the Uber I wanted because Texas blew the air out of my tires, reasons you shouldn't have kids. 

Time skip 

I get home to complete silence. I knew something was off, Quiet is bad, bad is quiet, and quiet mean something is wrong. Then I heard it.


I follow the noise and run as fast as I could inside, but saw no one. I glance in the back yard and see my 64 children, all nervous, sweating, and freaking out. Texas, Florida, California, North Carolina, and Alabama all were holding guns and pointing it at a person, who was in a cloak and I couldn't see their face. I see the eldest states who were not holding guns calming the younger states and Territories. I would have yelled at Delaware for letting the most crazy states have a gun but noticed poor Puerto Rico was bawling with Guam, Alaska in front of them, trying to calm then down, but failing. I burst outside then Everyone looked at me as if I came out naked.

 " Wanna tell Mom who you really are ya sick Fucker!" Alabama growled, holding the gun in her head steady and ready to shoot.. " Alabama this might not be a good time right now but watch your mouth around your siblings!" I yell. I turn to the figure and jump back." What are you doing here!"  I screech. What I didn't know at the time was Indiana called Canada and he was listening to every word I said, every word.

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