Hawaii and Usa.

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Third person

Usa was talking with the younger states are Territories, avoiding Hawaii who was heart broken. Being the sweet 6 year old she was, she tried hugging and talking to Usa, only to get screaks and Usa running away. Guam was behind the confused Hawaiian, Guam had always been close to Hawaii as Hawaii is to Alaska.  Guam hugged Hawaii and ran off to go play with the other Territories. 

Confederate was talking to Usa about America, and how they haven't seen her in a couple days when Hawaii ran up to Confederate and hugged his leg. Usa had a face of disgust and stepped back. Hawaii didn't notice but Confederate sure did. 

Confederates POV.

This women's going to be the end of me.. "What is your Problem with Hawaii Usa? She nothing like Britain and is just a kid." I said putting the child on my shoulders. "That man abused me for almost 200 years and you just want me to let it go?" Usa answered crossing her arms. "THATS IT!" I heard, by the sound of annoyance, it was America. America stormed in the room and grabbed Hawaii and Usa's hand. I followed behind then we reached a room I recognized as Hawaii's and Alaska's. 

"I do this with every State and apparently with an adult too, your going to stay in here for 24 hours and when you come out, you two better get along. Just giving you an warning, the most I ever had a two States in rooms like this was Three months, so better make in right." She said shutting the door and putting an chair under the door handle.

Usa's POV

The Mini Tea man was staring at me for a good 4 minutes then walked over to a small bed with fish stuff animals. She sat  on the bed and started playing with the stuff animals, giggling and laughing. I look at the other bed, it was big and had snow flake blanket on top. I assumed I would be sleeping there and sat on the bed. 

Hawaii looked at me and tilted her head like an lost puppy dog, "Would you like to play fishy's with me?" She asked holding out an fish. The truth is I didn't hate the girl, I hated her flag. It brought back so many hard and painful Memory's for me. "Sure." I sighed, better be apart of the game then watching it. I got up and sat on her small bed, sinking into the mattress. "How do I play?" I asked picking up an Flounder fish. "Well we are fishy and we have to swim around and eat the krill!" Hawaii said smiling.  

We played for half an hour and she put the animals down and looked at me. "Do you hate me? " She asked, looking half broken. "Well at first I did, but know I don't! I see you are a loving child that Will do anything for her siblings." I answered giving her a hug. "AhhhHHHH yOuR WoRsE tHeN mAmA wHeN iT cOmEs ToO hugS!" she said taking a huge breath. "Sorry!" I said Letting her go.

I looked out the window and at the sun. We have been in this room for 5 hours. I could see by the way the sun was positioned. I hear the door open then close, Alaska was standing there,  she had on a shirt and shorts and had her hair in a bun in the back of her head.    Hawaii got up and hugged her leg then sat back down in her bed, reading an picture book. Alaska looked at me then sat down on her bed and started glaring. 

Hawaii finished her book and yawned, she walked to her closet and found a pair of pajamas to wear. "'Laska can you help me?" She asked the snoring girl. Alaska didn't answered and continued to sleep. "I'll help you." I answered. She looked at me and handed me her clothes, she turned around and i unbuttoned her shirt and she pulled of the shirt, she put on the new one and I buttoned it up as well. She did her shorts then hugged me. "Thank you mommy." She said. " Wow wow wow. Your Mommy's out there I'm not your mommy." I said pointing out side. " No that's Mama, if your Mama's past, then your my mommy." She said smiling. I gave up trying and pulled the covers over her. 

I grabbed an pillow from Alaska's bed and sat on the ground. Soon enough, i was asleep.

I awoke to an happy and chipper Florida bursting open the door. "GOOD MORNING PEOPLE!" She scream Alaska fell of the bed and onto me, I screeched from pain and accidently grabbed Hawaii's sheets and sent the poor girl falling to the ground. 

"Morning Flo Flo!" Hawaii said getting up and hugging Florida. Florida grabbed Hawaii's hand and they marched to the next room, the I heard the same thing," GOOD MORNING PEOPLE!" I hear to bangs and  a southern states Cursing.

I got up and America stopped me at the Door way. "Your child calls me Mommy know." I said pushing pass her to go make Coffee. That was an adventures. I walked down stairs and every state looked in a bad mood. " What's wrong?" I asked Delaware. " When Florida fell into her depressed state she didn't come wake us up in the mornings like she used too. Now she's back to Normal and is waking everyone up again." Delaware said rubbing his head.

Hawaii came in and faces started lightening up. They loved this Damned girl so much. Hawaii walked over to me and put her hands up. People started glaring at me and I picked her up and walked to the Kitchen. I made my self coffee and her a bowl of cereal. 

I loved this girl so damn much know.  

Sixty-four Little Trouble MakersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora