Flash back 7 (One/three)

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Spanish Empires POV (1 year After Natives death.)

This hell, I'm waiting for the day I can return to Native. I wish I could see her smile, the way she gets mad when you make fun of her. I look over at my sister, French Empire , she was explaining to me why I can't go back to Native. She told me that it would be nice to have a husband, she told me she arranged a Marriage with this man named Inca Empire (JuSt WaIt AnD SeE wHaT hAppEnS ) I had no choice in it and it just happened. Everyone here doesn't agree with me when I wear my normal pants and shirts.

            *              *                    * ( One year later.)

I'm sick of it, today was supposed to be our 'Wedding', Its a good thing British Empire was my friend, he agreed to take me to Native. I grabbed my pants and vest and run towards the dock, getting chased by multiple guards . I Jump on the boat, seconds after in started taking off. "Bye bye fellas!" I said, grabbing a pole and waving. After they where out of view I got down and looked at the wedding dress I was stuffed in. I wanted to gag, but just headed over to a little room and changed out of it. 

When changed, I stepped out and Britain a look of guilt over him. "Whats wrong my Amigo?" I asked, sitting next to him on the side of the boat. "Nothing My friend, just, personally stuff." He said, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Did France yell at you again?" I asked, putting a hand on his knee. "No, lets just get a move on.." He got up and talked to some of the sailors.

I walked over to Spain, he had his girlfriend, Portugal, clinging onto him. "Hey Mother, are you excited?" He asked, looking like he was squeezing his girlfriend half to death. "Yea, I'm excited to see your Momma again." I said, patting him on the head. 

I look over my shoulder and see Britain yelling at a girl, she looked around Americas age, she had the Union shack in the corner of her face. She oddly looked  like America, put again, when Britain owns land they all look the same. Like he once invited me over for tea, he had a set of twins, and if you looked at them, you wouldn't be able to tell them apart.

                                                     *                    *                    * (Three months, then the reach land.)

We saw land and I recognized it, I remember the dock my and Native built, so we could stick our feet in the water and watch the stars. We couldn't get the boat any closer to land so we just swam the rest of the way. When I reacted the dock, I felt a little hurt, Native promised she would check up on this place every hour, so she could see when I arrived. I walked along the path me and Native made, so that our children could navigate the area better.  When I saw blood on a tree, that's when I became worried. I started sprinting,   hearing the British man behind me, trying to keep up. 

I nearly had a heart attack when I saw that no fires where going, no children talking, and no noises. All the tents where up, but what scared me was when I saw everyone of them had blood shots on it. The blood looked old but still freaked me out. Then I saw it. over 100 little crosses sticking up in the ground. Crosses meant only one thing... Death. I see move ment out of the corner of my eye, I see 5 tall figures emerge from one of the tents. I almost screeched, but couldn't as one full blown knocked me on ground  with a hug. I look up and see it's Cherokee " Mommy!(Cherokee would sometimes call Empire Mommy, but Native was Momma)" I smiled and started crying. I feel to more figures come over and join the hug. It was Navajo and Sioux. I look up and see Confederate, he was taller and looked half depressed, he was holding the crying Chippewa. "Mother, I missed you so much!" Navajo said, clinging onto my waist. I Heard a screech and see Chippewa standing behind Confederate, Confederate was holding a extremely sharp spear and had fore raging in his eyes.

Navajo, Cherokee, and Sioux, looked forwards and i could feel them jump. They ran over to Confederate, grabbing spears that where placed on the side of a tent. I look and see Britain behind me. "Guys I forgot to tell you! This is Britain, he's the one who brought me back." I said, they must be scared of him. "LOOK WHAT YOU DID!" Confederate screamed at Britain, pointing at the crosses. "YOU HAVE TORN A FAMILY APART BECAUSE YOU ARE ABOUT YOURSELF MORE THEN OTHERS!" Confederates whole face was red, "Cony... what happened?" I asked, confused about what's going on.

"He killed.....  Mamma.... He killed baby Yuman....he killed them all!!!!!" Cherokee wailed. "Britain, were you here before?" I asked sternly. " I um- k-" "Were you here before!" I yelled "Yes....." He said, scared out of his might. " Confederate..... is she... dead?" I asked. Feeling tears form in my eyes. "He killed her while she was protecting Roanoke....we buried her with the biggest cross..." Confederate said, looking at the Grave yard of crosses. "I though we where friends Britain.....you killed my Family and wife....." I turned around and grabbed a Knife from my pocket, I was going to stab this man until all his blood was out of his body. He started running away, passing Portugal and Spain. I didn't have the energy to run after him. I dropped to my knees and let the knife fall out of my hands. She died protecting our children.... she risked it all because she cared to much. 

I stopped balling my fists and let them go, then I started bawling. Spain runs over to me and asks something I couldn't hear do to my crying. It wasn't me who broke the promise, it was her. if only I stood up to France , if only I had got away faster. I hear people bawling from behind me, i guess it was Spain and Cherokee.    "Confederate...."  I asked, wiping my face. "Yes?" He answered. "Did he kill Little America too?" I asked, America was one of my favorite children, even thought Loved them all equally. "No... he took her." He said, looking over to the dock. I stood up and walked over to Natives cross. It was in the middle of the others, growing from the dirt, was long  twisted vines, touch all the other graves. I put my hand on one of the vines, I knew she was dead in Humans form, but was alive in these plants.

I stood up and let a tear drop hit the dirt. 

"Confederate, lets go get America back....."

(Dun DuN dUnNNnNNnNN, bye my little Vampire bats)

{Not edited}

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