America's back.

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Confederates POV.

I see America and Canada talking, America looks worried as she nods her head. "Original 14(with Nasa), Hawaii, Texas, and Florida. Get your butts in here!!" America yelled, standing up. Soo they where all there. "Pack a backpack with two, yes TWO sets of clothes, Hawaii, you three. Florida, pack a set of Bandages, and Texas, do whatever the hell you want because I'm not in the mood to fight you." She said, looking at the Carolina twins fighting. 

*                   *                         *

Everyone was at the front door, D.C and Hawaii were in baby carriers on America and  Canada had America's bag on his back. "Ill be back in accouple days, Confederate, keep the kids from burning down the house and make sure the don't start a Civil War. The Territories should be fine but check up on them every hour. If you or Usa need ANYTHING, call me." America said, looking at me. "Okay, well have fun?" I said, actually not knowing where they were going. 

With that they left. The moment they shut the door, every single kid started crying. Crap.

Canada's POV. 

We had to hike for a Little bit to get to my car, New York decided to help pass the time by starting a Hamilton sing-a-long, but was shut down after the half drunk Maryland kept trying to to sing   'Say No To This' at every song. America looked like she was struggling, so I offered to help her. "No, I'm fine! Just, give me a second." Was her answer. I see my car ahead and breath a sigh with relief, I look behind me and see Maryland flirting with Delaware, who was really mad.

America grabbed Maryland and puts him on her shoulder, trying to keep Delaware from blowing up. After reaching the car, which was quite big, everyone got in. Pennslvainnia got put between the Drunk Maryland and the sick New Jersey and she was trying not to get kissed by Maryland.  America took Hawaii out of the Baby Carrier and passed her to Delaware, who put her in his lap and buckled them up. She held D.C and sighed, looking out the window. 

"What's wrong Meri?" I asked, Putting my hand on her shoulder. "I just, don't know how everyone will react, I have almost been gone for two years, and I left my work behind, Ms. U.N is going to be angry. " She said, braiding the 2 year old's hair. "It will be fine, Mum and Dad really missed you, and Japan became really depressed." I said, starting the car. "Japan.... Who is Japan?" America asked, stopping to look at me. 

I looked at her astonished, "America, please don't tell me most of your memory came back but forgot about Japan!" I said, looking at her confused face she shook her head. "Japan was your best friend, she was the only one who knew about your states and you and her helped each other with anything, always.  You were the one who helped her come out to everyone she  was Lesbian, remember?" I said, looking back straight at the road. "Canada, I do not remember." She said, looking out the window. "MoM!!!! MaRylAndS TrYiNg tO kIsS mEeEEEeeee!" Pennsylvania screeched, when I looked into the rear view Mirror, I saw the poor girl leaning against New Jersey, kicking and swatting at Maryland. 

The drive wasn't far, but it still would be a trip, that made it even worse. D.C was talking to the sleeping America, she was out and snoring, her glass's fell off and when I looked over, huge bags where under her eyes, little lines were growing like roots from her eyes, and she had a big red scar across her face. 

Suddenly America gets shocked awake and starts screaming, out of no where, a pair of brown, black, and white wings start fluttering blocking my view of the road. I quickly slam on the breaks, I was glad we were the only one on the road. ¡¡Confederado!! ¡Mamá! ¡Madre! ¡¡Tía!! ¡Tengo miedo!" She screamed, the wings were attached to America's back and they where slowly calming down, she was taking wheezing breaths and I hear a door open. Soon Delaware opened America's door and grabbed her hand "Moeder is oké.(Mother its okay)" He said, giving her a hug. "Where is Spain?" America asked, looking at her feet. "What?" I asked, looking at her confused. "Where. Is . SPAIN!" She said, grabbing my shirt and pulling me closer to her face. "America, you need to calm down!" I said, Looking at her eyes, which where dotted with black spots. "Momma, You are having a Night terror, you need to calm down." Delaware said, pulling her away from me. 

"I need to find Spain!" She said, banging her head against the dashboard.  She then got out of the car, grabbed D.C from the ground and put her in the Baby Carrier. She the closed her eyes and muttered accouple words I didn't understand, then disappeared. "Why does she keep doing that!" I yelled pointing at the spot she was. "Canada, we need to find her fast!" Delaware said, hoping into the Passenger seat and putting on his seat belt.

 "How fast can you drive?" 


D.C's POV (This is a new one)

Momma grabbed me and put me in the thing she uses when she is to lazy to carry me. I was going to fight her but I saw a fluffy squirrel with a chocking ball in its mouth (Acorn). Then I felt like I was getting put back in the warm place (Womb) I didn't have the weight of my head anymore. Mama was crying and calling out for someone named 'Pain'. That was confusing, pain is when you hit yourself with a wooded  toy on your second hand (Feet). I felt something touch my second hand and I started freaking out, I don't like things touching my second hand. I looked around and we were not in the Broccoli fields (Forest) anymore, we were in front of a house with  Two wheel foot pushers (Bicycles) lined up against the side of it. Where is crazy woman and Horsey girl (Florida and Texas). Mama punched ( Knocked) On the door to this weird quiet house. Quiet no good. I see a man with a eye cover ( Eye patch) and looked exhausted. "¡España! ¡Te echaba de menos! ¡Siento no haberlo recordado! ¡Aunque hayas muerto!" Mama said, squeezing this man, I felt my pitter patter (Heart) stop when I was getting squeezed. "You remember?" a voice said from behind this man, its was a dude with a eagle on his flag (Mexico), did mama have a another noise (kid) That I didn't know of? If Delly was here he would say something, ill say it for him! "WHo the fuck are you. You son of a birch (Bitch)" I said, Del del would be proud of me, "America, your kid is cursing.." Eagle dude said, pointing at me. 

Suddenly I felt Mama's breathing get softer, and her Pitter patter slowed down, then I felt myself falling, I moved my arms, usually this was the part Con Con ( Confederate) would grab me so I didn't die. That didn't happen, Mama fell backwards and hit the ground. I looked at eagle and eye patch dudes, they just looked at me back "Mama need help." I said, trying to fight this nasty baby holder. Eagle dude got me out of the evil thing and held me, I looked at mama and her body was acting weird. Eye patch dude ran up to her and picked her up, taking her into the quiet house. 

Once we were inside, Eye patch dude held momma close to his chest like she does to me, and cried. A lady came out with a bad mans cup (Tea Cup) and when she was momma, she let it go and it broke. She was very stupid, that's why you use sucky cup (Sippy cups). "É que. a ela? (Is that..Her?) the lady asked. This was annoying. Suddenly I heard a loud sound, Its was like the sound bad man Can  ( Canada) Made when he tried killing me. I curl up into a ball and wait, suddenly from the side of the crazy room (Living room) A vroom vroom (Car) was sitting there. Mary (Maryland) was sitting at the spinning wheel with a glass of smelly water (Beer). "Holy mother of Jesus!" Eagle man said, holding me tighter. Can man (Canada) burst through the door and shot a glare at Mary.

"You pushed me out the fucking car!" He screamed, throwing his arms in the air. "I need, too, bLEHhHHhhHhhHHhh!" Penny said, stumbling out of the car and puking of the fuzzy trap (Rug). Mary jumped out the drivers seat and saw mama "If, *Hic* mess with mEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! YoU get FuCkeD!" He said, raising his hands and smiling a weird smile. Delly walked up to him and smacked him. "OwWwWW!"  

"You fucking Idiot!" Delaware screamed. "I was only trying to help~" Mary said. "Why is it I'm surrounded by idiots!" Del screamed. Del saw Eagle man and Eye patch man. He walked up to eyes patch man and grabbed his hand. "Its nice to finally meet you Uncle." Uncle? like Con Con? "Delaware I'm guessing?" Eye patch man said, smiling. "Indeed. Now if you excuse me, I have to go beat one of my siblings." Del said, turning around and grabbing his shoe. "We are doing this Nasa style." He said, turning to Mary who quickly sprinted out of the hole in the wall screaming.

"MaMA!!!" R ( Rhode Island) yelled, running up to her. Can Man turned around and looked at Eagle man, who's face is red. "Hi... Babe...." He said, staring at him. "I swear to the lord himself I will throw this child at you." Eagle man said, lifting me up. "Flo Flo!" I screamed, I see Florida emerge from the car, she was walking on all fours and started running at Mexico, barking. She grabbed me from Eagle man and put me on her back, she then ran to Texas and jumped into her arms, then we all ran outside into the flower smelling air.

(I laughed so hard making this.)

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