The disappearing American

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America's POV.

I got up to answer the door, a hooded figure stood there looking at the ground. I put my hand out and Confederate put an loaded gun in it. "Hello what can I do for you?" I asked Trying to seem kind and sweet. The hooded Figure touched my arm then everything went black.

Florida's POV

We all where looking at the back of Momma, then she disappeared, the I hear a loud pitched scream come from Hawaii. I started freaking out and before any body thought of it the living room  was trashed. Delaware's dress fell so know hes standing  in the middle of the living room with his boxers and socks on. I would have laughed if something urgent didn't happen. 

I hear a loud THUMP and saw Confederate punched a hole in the wall.  Everyone stopped and only thing heard was Hawaii's sobs.  Usa pat batting her back trying to calm her down but failed. I snatched the Hawaii from Usa's arms and started signing to her.

The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I bowed my head and I cried

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

I've always loved you and made you happy
And nothing else could come between
But now you've left me, to love another
You have shattered all of my dreams

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

Hawaii calmed down and Confederate and Usa where talking but I couldn't hear. Confederate and Usa got up, Usa got out of her skirt and put on shorts, Confederate was loading guns and dry foods into his bag. Nasa walked over and Usa whispered something in her ears, Nasa's eye widen and she looked at Usa and said "Really?!??!" Texas was growing mad so I grabbed her arm and pulled her down to my level. "Don't. You. Dare" I said staring at her eyes. She licked my face and got up. Eww, I got Texas germs. 

Confederate and Usa left the house and Nasa started screaming. "Get up all of you!!"  I stayed down with the sleeping Hawaiian then she started barking orders.  I couldn't hear because I was singing To Hawaii over them. I saw everyone running in different directions. Texas had a wailing D.C and she handed her to me. I sung to both of them then I saw all the states returning in there military Uniforms. "Florida, Texas, You two are going to be in charge of Hawaii, and the 14 Territories." Delaware said, having Nasa stand next to him. Texas groaned. "Why do I have to babysit." Delaware pointed at me and Texas shut up and lifted her middle finger up to Delaware.

All that states besides me Texas, Hawaii, and the Territories. Texas was furious and was kicking things and knocked over the couch. I whistled and a small alligator came inside, her name was Sunny. I found Sunny a couple days ago, she was trapped in nets and I saved her. 

I felt the urge to puke suddenly I put D.C down and Sunny snuggled against her and put Hawaii with Guam. I ran to the closets bathroom and started puking my stomach out. Texas came in and rubbed my back, not being affected by the smell of sound (This is my dad, he is fricken immune to the smell and sound of someone puking,) I opened my eyes and saw gray, nothing but gray in the toilet. 

I looked over my shoulder and saw Hawaii sitting there holding one of her stuff animals. I quickly washed my mouth out and bent down to her level. "Mr. Kia wants you to hold him." Hawaii said handing the little fish to me. "Thank you Hawaii." I said putting my forehead against hers.

 Time skip two days later

I heard a Knock on the door and grabbed a gun. I peeked open and saw Confederate beaten up holding something in his arms. I quickly let him in the whole way and he ran down the hall to my mothers room. Usa came in and saw Hawaii "Where my Mini Tea man!" Usa said picking up Hawaii. Usa's face went blank then turned a grayish for seconds before turned back to normal. 

All the other states outside looked like they saw one of the lose there virginity. Nasa came in, her usually starry was a dark gray and filled with Black holes, not stars. I tried using my useless AD/HD (No offence, Personally I have Ad/HD and this doesn't bother me but i dont want to hurt anyones feelings) Usa going gray, Confederate in a rush, Nasa Turning dark, they all had one thing in common, 

"My mother."

Dun Dun DunnNnN Welp, another part done, I home yall went and checked out 

if you did the Duolingo bird will leave your Family alone.

Bye  my little blood suckers.

{Not Edited}

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