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[I guess this a flashback? Its what happened during the time America went missing (Aka, hiding in the woods.) SO i guess Flashback, but not Flashback]

Canada's POV. (Right when America was teleporting them out of the burned down house)

I fluttered my eyes open, hearing a weird chanting sound. When I sat up I saw America and Confederate sitting states down in a circle, putting things in there laps. Suddenly states started disappearing into thing air, taking there luggage with them. I was to stunned to do anything, but after America looked at me before disappearing, my heart broke into a million different   pieces. "Bueno, ese fue el peor sueño que he tenido desde el momento en que mi padre me llevó a un viaje de campamento. (Well that was the worse sleep I have had since the time my father took me on a camping trip.)" Mexico said, rubbing his back and looking around confused. " Where did the little devils go?" He asked, looking at me with confusion. "They disappeared.." I said, hugging him for emotional support. "I need to see my parents!! Now!!" I said, grabbing his arm and running towards our car. I shoved him in the passenger seat and climbed into the drivers.

*                *            *

I pulled into my parents driveway, I quickly turned off the car, unbuckled Mexico, and darted to my parents door. I knocked on it and waited impatiently, Once it opened I saw New Zealand stand at the door. I was surprised because he didn't live with my parents anymore, but I had bigger things to take care of. "Is Mum and dad home?" i asked, putting Mexico down onto his feet. "Yea, here come on in." He said, opening the door a little more for us. I rushed inside and saw Aussie sitting next to Belarus and talking about something. "Dad! She Disappeared!!! She took them with her!" I said trying to say the whole story, but being to worried to. "Pardon?" He said, setting down a glass of water he had in his hand. "America disappeared into thin air dad!" I said,  watching Mexico sit next to Belarus. "Explain to me the whole story." My mum said, sitting me down in a chair, and handing me a glass of water. 

I explained the whole story, how me and America got into a fight, to when she looked at me before poofing into thin air. "How many are there?" My dad asked looking at me with confusion "64 (36)counted them my self ." (Who ever can tell my where this is from gets a virtual hug)

"64?!? Goodness gracious!! No wonders she always sassy!" Mum said, looking at the ground in astonishment. "I remember Delaware, Clearly, but I though he was grown and out of the house! 64? I would have gave up on 7!" Dad said, standing up and grabbing his phone "Dad what are you doing?" Aussie asked, putting her feet up on the coffee table. "I don't even know Ralia! I feel like a horrible person know! No wonder she couldn't keep up with my shit! She probably had over 23 teenagers in her house! And I could barley keep her in check!" My father was spiraling, talking about the same thing over and over again. 

"Well New Zealand.. we have to go, Remember Kazakhstan needed our help with her cake for Antarctica and Greenland's 3rd anniversary?" Belarus asked New Zealand standing up and fiddling with her long hair. "Yea.. Almost forgot. It was nice seeing you Mum and Dad, Aussie, I'll leave the door unlocked." With that, Belarus and New Zealand took there leave. "What are we going to do about America?" I asked, dreading to hear the answer. "America is a very complicated women, just... give her time..." My dad said, sighing and leaning on the back of his chair.

And we did.

I sat next to my grumbling boyfriend and put on a documentary about vampire bats ( I'm so funny)   he had been crying because someone called him Taco Bell, even though Taco Bell has nothing to do with him. I had Invited Aussie and her Girlfriend over, but they were taking forever to arrive. I had planned just to watch a movie like normal people, but If Aussie is coming over, its going to become weird quickly. And Example,  I once decided to watch Frozen, and Aussie sang all the songs in her crackly teenaged voice. Lets just say that was the last time I watched Frozen.

I heard a knock on the door, it sounded rushed like the person needed something. I get up and walk over to the door and open it a tad, I saw Aussie standing there nervously. "Hey how are you sis?" I asked, opening the door fully and motioned for her to come in. "Thank you!! I angered a girl on her period by taking the last candy bar and know her goal is to kill me!" Aussie said, quickly running inside and hiding behind the couch, I waited for a second and the saw Japan stomping up to me. "Hi Canada! Nice seeing you again! Know can you tell me where my girlfriend is so I can stab her with this carrot!" Japan said, lifting up a carrot that had forks sticking out of it. "Japan, please don't kill my sister, I rather have her very much alive." I said touching her shoulder. "I'm not planning to kill her just, making damage." She said, trying to look inside, "Carrot." I said, putting out my hand. "Fine, whatever.." she handed me the carrot and walked inside and was Aussie behind the couch.  

" I know you are there Railia just sit next to me and I will spare your life."

"Thank you."

Aussie got up and sat next to the taller girl, Aussie started up a conversation with Mexico while I found a way to depose of the deadly carrot. (Japan does not have ears and a tail.) "Have you guys wondered what happened to America?" Japan asked, playing with Aussies hair. "Its been almost a year J, I bet she's fine, just needs space." Mexico said, putting a hand on Japans shoulder. Everyone knew that Japan and America where the best of Friends since they met. America had found Japan in a corner crying after J.E's death. She took Japan back to her house and took care of her until her mental health was back to normal. She had been the only person to know about the states. 

"I know but she can be stubborn and get herself into dangerous situations.." Japan said, sighing and pulling Aussie into a hug tightly. I saw Aussie's face go red and she started grumbling. Before we started, we have to wait for New Zealand and Belarus. Mexico got up and went to get water when my front door was knocked out of the frame. What was it with people hating my door? Belarus was holding the blushing New Zealand in her arms, despite being the shorter of the two. "Guess who is getting married?!" Belarus screamed, lifting the red mess known as New Zealand up. "Congrats bro! I didn't expect you to pull up enough courage to ask her!" Aussie said, squirming out of Japans arms to go congratulate her brother. "Well, up....Funny story, she proposed  to me." New Zealand said, putting his hand next to Belarus's, they hand matching wood rings. "I'm so happy for you two!" I said, giving Belarus a hug because she still had New Zealand in her arms. 

"Have you told your parents Belarus?" Japan asked nervously. "Yea, My dad was excited for me and my father  got mad, not because we where getting married, he liked that part. But because I may have broken his door for the 15th time this month." Belarus said, trying not to laugh.  "Mum and Dad said they would be delighted to have Belarus as a Daughter-In-Law, Mum was Excited because this would be her first wedding she helped plan for her children. Also, Mum said 'Canada, I'm surprised you were not the first to get married'. " New Zealand said, putting on of his arms down from Belarus's neck.  

Then my phone started ringing. I picked it up and saw a random number, I answered it and the first thing I heard was screaming, "Hello, umm who is this." I asked. "Shut up guys! I'm on the phone with Uncle Canada! Unless you want to let our situation to get worse!" A male voice shouted, Only that states called my Uncle, they didn't even call their real Uncle, Uncle. "Hello?" The voice said. "Yes?" 

"Good Lord your here!"

"Who is this?"

"Its me, Indiana"

"Indiana?!? What's wrong?"

"No time to explain! I'm going to share my location with you and I need you to get here as fast as you can!"

[Beep beep beep.]

I put the phone down and everyone looks at me, 

 "Something happened with America.."

Boom, done. By my little blood suckers.

{Not edited}

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