I really don't know. (A/N)

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I'm thinking of writing a book about what life is like for Florida, good idea?  im still thinking about it. Also do any of you read my announcement about the Hamilton book?  

Also I want to Congratulate  you  ThePsychopath7 for almost 1,000 reads on your book!!! Way to go my dude!! Im proud of you my child.

I also want to give a shout out to my brother, lets call him.... Jake (Its a name he always wanted) This morning he woke me up and said "MEL(Im not saying my real name >:3 Its my first, middle, and last  name smashed together ) Have you ever just that there thinking any day we could get bombed and we all die?" we sat there for a hour and a half talking about it. Way to go Jake, your now internet famous (Jk).

Lets give this shout out to my mother, she woke me up yesterday by jumping on me.

Then my father, thank you for grabbing my feet and throwing me out of bed almost every morning to wake me up.

Then my youngest sister (Shes 11) for saying this too me. "YoU Don'T kNoW wHaT i Am GoIng ThrouGh Rn!!!" "BiTcH I'M STiLl lIvInG iT!"

Then thank you baby C ( My youngest sibling) For slapping me when I started singing to you.'

Thats it, Bye my little blood suckers!!!

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