Flash back 12

152 3 4

(Last Flash Back of the book)

3rd person.

France was sitting in her room quietly, tears running down her face, she had two things should could do, make a run for it and get caught, or stay still until they try taking her away then run. Both of them will get her killed. She looked down at her black hand  and felt disappointed in herself, she knew she should have not shown her mother this soul magic thing she could do. France wanted back with Native and Spanish, that was the place she felt welcome, with them and their 35 kids. Spanish sent her back after a boat got lost, she had helped France onto it and hoped for her to be back home, safe and sound, but now she was getting ready to be burnt to the crisp. She wanted to call for Native to save her butt this time, but couldn't she was hundreds of miles away, and had no communication. France sighed and looked over and her dresser, on top of it stood a pocket knife she made with Natives children. She walked over to the dresser and picked the knife up, putting it in her pocket and quietly sitting back on the bed. 

France then heard the door open and foot steps, she then heard her mothers voice. "France, do you know why I am doing this?" Her mother asked, sitting next to her. "I'm doing it for you and the kingdom, if the word got out, they would kill us all, you are a princess, you do what is right for the kingdom."  France then grew angry and grabbed the pocket knife from her hand and pointed it at her mother. " SO your royal life is more important then your daughter? How selfish are you!" France screamed, hitting her mother in the head with the wooden table she had by her head, she didn't want to kill her mother, only getting pass her. She quickly ran over to her window and broke it, hopping out, she was 10 feet off the ground and was just hoping not to hit rocks, but she landed on someone instead. 

This person groaned and tried standing up, only to have France still on them. "Mind getting of me? Rather not have another person weighing me down." The person said quietly, pushing France off and standing up. France stood up and put her pocket knife when she heard a shout, she looked up and two people were looking out her window and pointing at her, shouting something. France looked at they boy and grabbed his shoulder "Listen here, I need you to help me, if you do I can get you anything you want." France said nervously, seeing a gaurd running towards her. "Fine, come along then!" The buy grabbed her hand and started running through the crowds of people, bumping into all of them. 

When France opened her eyes, she noticed she was in a covered wooden wagon that was moving and the boy was sitting on the ground, dusting his clothes off. "So why were you falling out of the sky and getting chased?" The boy asked, grabbing a piece of wood of the ground and fiddling with it. "Not important, Im France." France said politely, putting her hand out. "United Kingdoms, or Britain is fine, I'm here with my dad and mom, we are just visiting." Britain said, crossing his legs and leaning back. 

"If I tell you the real reason I fell out of the window, will you promise not to freak out?" France asked softly, shacking her foot nervously "Sure why not!" Britain said excitedly, sitting up. France put her black hand out and waited a second, remembering what Native told her: "When creating a object to creature, you have to imagine it in your mind, what color is it, what's different about it? Imagine the curves and scratches.'' "Give me a object." France stated, not opening her eyes. "Uhhhh a knife!" Britain said excitedly, sitting up. France though about a stone knife with a beautiful handle, she though about how perfect the blade was and how it attacked to the handle, when she opened her eyes, the knife laid in her hands with black sparks falling from her hand, when she looked up to hand the knife to Britain, he was just staring at her in amazement. "I get it now, you were escaping a witch bu-" Britain tried saying before France slapped a hand around his mouth. "Do you ever shut up! You will get me caught" France hissed, removing her hand from his mouth and handing him the knife, hoping he would be quiet.

But he wasn't 

"Do it again!" Britain said excitedly, jumping up and down. "No, you promised to help me, where are we going?" France asked, sighing at Britain's childish actions. "Home." He said, smiling, playing with the knife. "Will your parents not notice another child they have?" France asked, biting her nails. "The barley notice me, they were about to leave me." Britain sighed, leaning against the side of the cart, picking up a chicken that was running around. "This is Elizabeth, she is my chicken, she does tend to run off a lot." Britain laughed, patting her head. France smiled at sat next to him, petting the top of Elizabeth's head.

"So, why is a Princesses like you leaving" Britain asked, not making eye contact with France, she started stuttering and explaining something to fast to understand. "Calm down France, you secrets safe with me." He said, placing his hand on Frances, Earning a slap.

"Sorry! Reflexes!" Frances said, giving him a hug, they both just laughed and kept talking about their lives, Elizabeth freaking out because the road was getting bumpy.

(The books slowly coming to a end, I'm Tired af, My mother is yelling at me some more, how are you guys?)

{Not edited}

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