Flash Back Part 3

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Okay so like I'm going to explain how I think the states were born. When America became independent that's when she got pregnant with the states. Since they are not human, it only takes around 3 months for the state to be fully developed and ready for life. So any pregnancy America had was only for 3 months.

2 Months after America got her freedom.

Confederates POV

I look over at my sister who I am sitting on a wall with. She's smiling and happy. After we Defeated the Tea man, I asked her to come back to our land, we could live together and try finding our siblings together. She said she would think about it. "Con, Im very nauseous Right now... " She said suddenly grabbing on to my shoulder. She turned around and hopped off the wall. She fast walked to the nearest bush and puked. This has become a daily thing. Ever since we won the battle she's been puking  twice a day. I think she's coming down with a cold but she won't take that as an answer.

I jump off the wall and walk over to rub her back. I see Tea mans kid, I believe his names Canada or something like that. "Hey Meriii! Mums looking for you. Hey ummmmmm Confederate right? well anyway Dad or Britain invited you to our dinner. Dinners at 6! See ya!" America lifted up her hands giving a thumps up while spitting the rest of the puke out of her mouth. I grab my pocket watch and look at the time. 5 better get her cleaned up  "Come on  sis lets get you cleaned up and washed off" I pick her up and walk her to the house. She wasn't wearing the big and heavy clothes the other women did. She had a simple Dress that was white and long. She had taken one of the big dresses Britain made her wear and cut it  up and sewed it together her self. 

I use my foot to open the door and ignored the looks I was getting. I walked to her room and settled her on the bed. I Look in the closet for any comfortable clothes. While  going through I find a tiny Deer skin dress and smile. This was the dress she wore the night before she was captured. I  find a black dress that wasn't too heavy on her and would look nice too. I give it to her and Helped her take of the one se had. She put it on and looked at her stomach. " Con do I look fatter to you?" She asked touching her stomach. "Of course not." I lied, to be honest her belly was getting  bigger but it was growing to fast for a weight problem, and backing that up she only ate once a day, and that was dinner, she puked the rest out and now will refuse to eat anything but dinner. I help her up and she grabbed a cup of water, i could see her swish it around her mouth, the she spat it out the window. I look at my clothe to make sure it didn't have any stains on it. It was a classic dress shirt with some pants, It had a hat to go with it. But I lost it and never bothered looking for it. 

I check the time once more and see it 5:50 and a grab Meri's hand, just in case she became nauseas going down the stairs. We pat a couple of Maid that where gossiping and craning there necks to look at me. I rolled my eyes and stopped a second to let Meri's rest. Then we made it to the dinning room and I saw an extra chair out. I look over and my sister was slowly walking to the one across from Britain. I follow behind and sit next to her. I shot a couple of glares at Britain who was shooting glares at America. 

Soon the whole family was there. The food was brought out and everyone was eating. Two 12 year old's that i believe are New Zealand and Australia are currently doing that thing when a kid looks into your soul. Canada was smiling and talking to his mother and Britain was reading the new paper. Meri taps me on the shoulder and I look over at her. She is holding her stomach and looked on the verge of tears.  I put down my fork and help her up. " Excuse us. We will be back in a minute." I said trying to sound nice.  We walked to the living room and I helped her in a chair. " Con...... I know whats happening. Con something was kicking me from the inside. I don't think its a cold anymore. Con..... I think I'm pregnant." She had a couple tear come down her face. 

This would explain the random pains and the throwing up. "We are not entirely sure  America, Could just be stomach pains, don't freak out just yet..." I say touching her shoulder. "Con I'm not ready to be a mother!! I'm only 16! What if everyone hates me!!! I'm Completely a virgin too!! Con what do I do?!??!?" She started freaking out and hugged me. I wipe her tears and stand up. I hold out my hand to help her up. She takes my hand and takes deep breaths. "I will figure out by tonight okay? If you are pregnant I swear on my life I will help you raise this child. You won't be alone." I say rubbing her back as we walked out back to the dinning table. 

When we entered Canada looked like he saw a ghost. The twins where poking each other with spoons, France looked concerned, and Britain didn't give an shit. I sit Meri's down and give her a plate of food. She looked at it and pushed it forwards. I gave her the death glare and bring it back in front of her. She sighed and started eating, she looked sad and depressed. 

Everyone finished and Meri walked ahead of me. everyone but France and Canada was gone. They where talking in French and where happy as ever. " M.S France could I have a word with you?" I asked, Canada got up and wished his mother a goodnight and left too. "What might be wrong Mr. Confederate?" She asked sweetly. "I know someone who thinks there pregnant but aren't sure. I believe you have been pregnant before? How can I tell?" I asked. "Well when I was pregnant with the twins, I had Nausea, fatigue, light bleeding, sore breasts, bloating, and mood swings. But there are more. If your friend needs to check is she's pregnant. Dr. Smith is the best." She answered smiling. " Thank You madam. I will take my leave now." I said standing up and giving a tiny bow. I walked out of the room then ran up the stairs. 

I walked into the room and Canada and the twins where standing around her. She saw me and motioned for me to come in. I walked in and shut and locked the door behind me. "Guys, I see you all as real brothers and sister so I think you need to know what comes next." She said and looked at me. I Lean over and whisper into her ear. " Its official" her eyes widened. " Want me to tell them? Or do you want to?" I asked She pointed at me and looked at her stomach. "SO you probable notice your 'Older sister' here has been puking and acting weird lately yes?" I asked them. The twins nodded there head bout Canada just looked like he knew what was happening next. "She is pregnant." Canada said before i could get anything out of my mouth. "I noticed this a couple days ago and asked my mother. America your pregnant!" I put my hand over his out to shut him up. "Shush." I said. 

My sister was starting to panic. "I'm going to be a mother.... I'm going to be an mother! I'm not ready!!! What if I become a horrible mom?!?!? What If I die giving birth to it??? Cony!!! I'm not ready!!" She started losing her mind and kept going over the same line over and over again. I grab her head and made her face towards me. "I am here, I am now and I will always be. Stop freaking out pleas-" before i could say anything the ran to the corner of the room and grabbed a bucket that was sitting there. She started puking out the dinner and I could see tears running down her face. I put my hands over the twins eyes and  death glared Canada to go rub her back. 

She finished puking out dinner and was spitting into the bucket. I took my hands of the twins eyes and grabbed my sisters hand. I whisper in a language i haven't used in a long time. 

"Ꮩ not Ꮼ anadalv" ( Do not worry sister)

I'M bACkKKkkKkkKkkK.

Bye my little blood suckers

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