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This is after the whole hospital mess. This chapter going to have self harm and mad/sad America. If your not confrontable with that you dont have to read it.

Mexico's POV 

I look over at Canada, he was currently asleep with Montana and Utah. I lean my head on him and and his eye lids flutter."Im sorry Can did i wake you up?" I ask. "No somethings off.." He answers the then i see two figures fly over the couch. When they landed it was America and Confederate, wrestling. America had a slipper and was beating him alive. The poor man my Boyfriend was afraid of was getting beaten my a girl shorter then me. "IM sOrRy MeRi, I sHoUlDnT hAvE cAlLeD yOu sHoRT." Confederate sobbed. She got up, slapped him on the butt with the slipper and walked into the kitchen as if this was normal. "Okay, what just happened?" Canada asked. "Florida came out of the shadows, "When Mom gets upset with Uncle Cony, she beats the shit out of him." Florida answered, "DONT SWEAR!" America yelled from the other room." OR YOULL END UP LIKE YOUR UNCLE!" 

Canada stared down at me and i shrug, I see no point of arguing about this violence to America, if this is the thing she can do to an grown man. New Mexico came up to me, while I was here i figured out she named him after me, it made me happy but when ever he came to me, either a sibling was hurt or i was going to be tied up some place. "Yes New Mexico?" I ask. "Come with me." he answered, I look at my boyfriend and say, "If I'm not back in fifteen minutes, call your Hermana (sister)." I sit up and follow the kid. I currently looked like Mierda (Crap), i had Canadas shirt on, if I added a ribbon around my waist it would be an dress. I had short shorts on and my hair was an mess. When i enter I see Texas, Florida, Louisiana, and Arizona swarming around me, The Florida, being the sweet girl she was, spoke up "We are sorry for trying to kill you." I laugh and answer, "Its fine, i grew up in a big family like yours and understand"  

After I finish i call those states and more to my room and hand them each an chancla.  Then tell them to go beat the Mierda out of there Uncle. I quickly run to the couch and jump into my seat next to Canada and wait, grinning evilly. Canada look at me and asks, "What did you do-" I put my finger to his lips to shush him and wait. I see Confederate still on the floor crying and Then i hear around 20 feet running down the hall way,  20 different children holding flip flops. When they see there uncle they attack. I burst out laughing and wake up Utah. Canada giggles and peaks me on the check. He put the sleeping girls on my lap and stands up, I guessed go go help America. 

"Escuchar a los niños (Listen up children) stop beating your uncle and come sit in front of me!" I yell, feeling powerful. The 20 States stop and sit in front of me. "We are going to play an game. I call it Dos. In Dos you guys will team up with Uno other person, I will say a color in Español and you guys will go and find the color, each teammate has to find that color or there team will be eliminated. Ready?" I say. I hear around 15 ready's and say the first color "ROJO!"

Americas POV

After walking into the kitchen, i hear an baby crying and know its D.C, the problem with tis is that D.C never cry's unless she's hurt. My mother instincts kick in and the next thing I know is i's sliding down hall ways. When i arrive to the  nursery. D.C is wailing and Florida's trying to rock her to bed. " What happened?!?!" I ask trying to keep my calm, "I was walking down the hall trying to find Texas, I heard crying thinking it was Hawaii's but It was D.C's I picked her up and tried rocking her back to sleep then you came in.." Florida explained, kissing the wailing D.C on the head.  

Florida was usual AD/HD brain was crazy, but when someone is hurt or she is sad, its a whole new person. She sighed and then started singing to D.C.

"The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I bowed my head and I cried

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