23. The Runaway Kid

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(November 24th, 1998)

I still couldn't believe I did it.

 I finally ran away.

Before I left, Dad dragged me to Ashland Kentucky to hunt some Ghoul while Dean was drove the impala to Pastor Jim's parish to pick up some more lore to fuel Dad's obsession. At this point, Dad sounded like a broken record whenever anything involving Mom came up. We still don't know what  killed her and it consumes our entire lives... I was done. 

 I had been planning my escape for months. Ever since my time at Truman High I've been seriously thinking about leaving the family business. Mr. Wyatt was the only person besides Arden who ever encouraged me to think for myself. I didn't want to become a hunter. I didn't want to constantly fear the monsters under my bed or in the closet. I wanted to stop changing schools. I wanted to graduate. I wanted to be normal. 

Dad's been trying to convince me to hunt more. To be more like Dean, the obedient soldier. He already convinced him to drop out of school, but not me. I will not be bullied by John Winchester, and because I refuse to follow him blindly we fight constantly. 

After the hunt, Dad decided to go to the local bar after he berated me on everything I did wrong. When he left I quickly packed my things and left for the nearest bus terminal. I didn't know where I was going to go, but I just needed to leave.  Dad wouldn't be back till after last call and it gave me enough time to get on one of the later busses.

luckily fate shined on me when I saw a bus route to Boston, Massachusetts. A smile found its way across my face as I thought about a certain person who happened to be going to school in Boston. 

I hadn't spoken to Arden or Bobby in over a year. I missed them, but especially Arden. She was my best friend, my sister, even a mother figure to me, but Dad had cut all contact with her and Bobby. That night still remains a mystery. Dad and Dean refuse to talk about it. 

Dean completely changed after that day. The brother I grew up with became a shell, the perfect soldier to follow Dad's command and what made it worse was Dean acted like Arden never existed. And whenever I brought her up he would either pretend I didn't mention her or would get extremely pissy and leave the room.

I arrived in Boston around 6 in the morning. After seeing how much money I had left I decided to walk the rest of the way instead of calling a cab. Cambridge wasn't that far away from the bus terminal and I needed to stretch my legs after spending the last 37 hours on and off a bus. After all of that, I'm found myself at Harvard. Now all I had to do was find Arden. I didn't know how she would react, but I hoped that what happened between her, Dad, and Dean didn't affect how she felt about me.

I walked around campus not really knowing where I was going. When I found the admissions office the only help they could give me was a campus map. I didn't realize how massive Harvard was until I got there. I eventually sat down on a bench in front of a random lecture hall. My hopes of finding Arden were diminishing. Thanksgiving was in a couple of days. She could have gone back to Sioux Falls to spend the holiday with Bobby. It was already one in the afternoon and I needed to start figuring out where I was going to sleep tonight. Maybe a bar would let me in so I can hustle some extra cash.

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