21. The Grimm (Part 1)

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( October 30th, 1997 )

(Arden Age 19, Dean Age 18, Sam Age 14)

I hated writing essays. It was by far the most tedious thing I've had to do since starting college. Especially when you have to write a 10,000-word essay on medieval medicine and how it connects to magic and faith.

I rubbed my bleary eyes and looked around me. I've been awake for over twenty-four hours, doing assignments, studying for tests, you know typical college stuff. The library was deserted, but that's what I get for studying in the library at eleven at night on the Friday before Halloween. Most people were out partying and making bad decisions. Not me I guess. I kinda regretted declaring my major and minor so early. At Harvard, you don't have to declare a major till sophomore year. Why did I decide to declare so early!?... I don't fucking know?! I'm a fucking moron. I was majoring in Folklore studies focusing on the occult and was minoring in psychology.

I stopped after writing about 2,000 words. Figured that would be a good stopping point. I packed up my textbooks and left the library giving the librarian at the front desk a quick wave goodnight. You could hear the distant hollerings of drunk idiots partying in the Harvard houses (Harvard's version of frat houses). My roommate, Kat was most likely one of them.

Kathrine or Kat as she liked to go by, was an awesome roommate. We hit it off on the first day. She was everything that you could want in a roommate and a friend. My only issue was that she practically flirted with anything that moved. Guys, girls, it didn't matter.  Which I don't have a problem with. What I do have a problem with is when she brings these randos back to our dorm. There's nothing like having to go to sleep with loud moans and grunts on the other side of the wall. At least we both have separate bedrooms. 

Kat tried bringing me out tonight, but I refused. Mainly because when you go out partying with Kat, boys tended to flirt with her and by extension me and I wasn't ready for that. I did have to make it up to her. I had to promise to go with her to the Cabot House costume party tomorrow. We're even going to coordinate our costumes; both of us were going to be sexy flappers from the 1920s. 

I inwardly cringed at the attention me and Kat were going to draw. I didn't want that type of attention and I wasn't ready to get back into the dating pool. My breakup with Dean was only two months ago and I was still depressed about it. I haven't been able to sleep peacefully since. Guilt and shame haunted my dreams. 

I missed him so much. Both me and Bobby haven't been in contact with the Winchesters since the incident. I constantly find myself thinking about them. Worrying about them. How was Dean doing? Was Sam alright? I couldn't contact them. John Winchester would literally have my head if I tried.

I started walking back to my dorm, longing for the comfort of my bed. Tomorrow was Halloween aka Samhain for the witch community. Samhain is basically New Year for witches. It signifies the end of the summer and harvest months and introduces the dark, cold, and dead months of winter. It's also the time when the veil between the dead and the living is the thinnest and most witches and pagans practicers use it to honor family and friends who passed away. I had a small altar prepared in my room for Mom, Dad, and Gabrielle Turner in honor of the holiday.

I continued my walk when I felt an eerie feeling come over me. Like someone dipped me in a tub of ice water. I wanted to ignore the feeling, but living with a grumpy old hunter for six years made overlooking these types of things a little difficult. I sighed tiredly. I abandoned my previous intentions of walking back to my dorm and followed the eerie energy. It led me to an alley on the edge of campus right next to one of the lecture halls.

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