28. Visiting Stanford

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(May 2nd, 2004)

(Arden Age 25, Dean Age 25, Sam Age 21)

I was running around the apartment, ensuring everything was clean and presentable. The dishes were clean and put away, the floors were swept, and I was currently disinfecting all the surfaces when I heard a chuckle behind me.

"I never imagined that a man cleaning would be so attractive."

I turned to see my beautiful girlfriend leaning against the entryway. Her purse was still slung over her shoulder. She must have just come home.

"Jess your home? I thought you weren't going to be home till two?" I exclaimed in surprise.

She glanced at the clock then back to me, an amused look on her face. "It 2:30."

"What?!" I panicked, checking the clock. "Arden said she was going to be here by 3:30!"

I quickly walked past Jess to wipe down the kitchen counters, but her hand grabbed my arm, stopping me.

"Sam, if you clean any more, she's going to think we have serious issues." she stated calmly.


She silenced me with a kiss, her hand wrapping around the back of my neck. I felt myself melt at her touch.

"Everything will be fine." She reassured. "Besides, I'm pretty sure I'm the one who should be nervous. It's my first time meeting someone from your family, and I want to make a good first impression."

"You will," I assured her. "You're perfect." Jess blushed as she nuzzled against my chest. "She's going to love you."

I rested my head on top of hers, wrapping her in my arms. I loved her so much. I've only known this incredible woman for a little over a year, and I can't imagine life without her. We held each other for a little longer, her damp shirt clinging to her body in all the right ways... wait.

"Why are you wet?" I asked.

"Ummm, because it's raining." She stated matter-of-factly. "Haven't you look outside?"

I looked down at her shoe-covered feet and the trail of mud and water that lead to the front door. I groaned in annoyance.

"Aww, Jess, I just mopped that floor," I whined as I ran to grab the mop again.



I parked outside the address Sam sent me. The rain was finally starting to disperse as I stepped out of Reaper. The building wasn't anything special. It wasn't the nicest, but at least it wasn't a drug den, much to my relief. I buzzed Sam's apartment number and waited for a response.

"Hello?" Asked a familiar voice over the intercom.

"I was told that an overlarge midget lived at this residence." I teased.

"Ha. Ha. And I heard an actual midget was coming to visit."

"I'm average height!" I scoffed.

"You keep telling yourself that. I'll see you inside" He chuckled.

The door unlocked, letting me into the main building. I practically ran up the concrete steps to Sammy's floor. It's been over two years since I last saw him in person, and I was more than eager to see the man I considered my brother. I got to Sam's floor just as a door opened. A moose of a man popped his head into the hallway, hazel eyes brightening when they connected with mine.

Love Can Be Magic (Dean Winchester x OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora