16. Keeping Up With The Winchesters

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(August 21st, 1996)

(Arden Age 17, Dean Age 17, Sam Age 13)

Bobby and I were in Reaper driving to Northern Michigan to meet the Winchesters on a hunt. I of course was driving. Sorry Uncle Bobby, but no one drives Reaper, but me. I was in my element as we drove down I-90. Reaper's engine roared as I floored the gas pedal.

"Whoa!" Bobby yelled gripping the side of his seat. "What the hell do you think yer doing?!"

"Come on Bobby. This is the first time you let me take Reaper out on a hunt. I'm excited!" I patted the dash. "He's excited! He hasn't been on a hunt since Dad and I think he's been itchin' for one."

Bobby's face relaxed a bit as he leaned back in the seat. "It has been a long time since this car has seen some action."

Bobby had a faraway look that signaled he was thinking about the good old days. Back when his best friend was alive.

"So... What did the Winchesters get into?" I asked, breaching the silence.

"A group of hikers went missing in the Cold Water Wilderness preserve. Local rangers scouted the area and found their campsite in ruins. Rangers are thinking cougar."

"But we know better. Any patterns of people going missing?" I asked.

"Yep, in 73' eight different hikers went in, none came out. The same thing happened in 50' and 27' and I bet ya it keeps going."

"That's every twenty-three years," I muttered sorting the data in my head. "Remote woods, missing hikers, the killing cycles, I'm thinking Wendigo." 

"Don't jump to conclusions." Bobby lightly scolded.

I shrugged and gave him a sheepish smirk. I couldn't help that my mind was constantly going 100 mph while everyone else was cruising at 45, and it's not my fault that I'm usually the first one to piece things together.

"I'm not jumping to conclusions. I'm just stating my initial theory." I defended. " And how often are my theories wrong?" I asked smugly.

Bobby gave me an annoyed look before sighing. "Good thing I brought the makeshift flamethrower," He said avoiding my question.

"You didn't answer my question." I teased. 

"Don't push it." He said defiantly. The laugh that immediately came out of me had him rolling his eyes. "Idjit,"

Several hours later we pulled in front of a motel and parked next to a familiar black Impala. Bobby stepped out of the car and went to get a room from the front desk while I waited in the car. 

It only took three minutes of Bobby being gone for me to start misbehaving. 

Testing my new stereo, I cracked the volume as high as it could go and started honking the car horn.  "Dean!" I called out, with no care of how loud I was being. "Get your perky ass out here!"

Seconds later the motel room in front of me opened up and out came the man I cared for so much. When he saw the Mach 1  a huge smile erupted on his face as he ran towards it. I quickly laid off the horn and turned the stereo down to a low volume. 

He stopped at the driver's side window giving me a wink. "Well hello there, beautiful."

"I'm flattered, but I'm already taken," I said, leaning out the window.

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