20. The Voice In My Head

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I couldn't see anything.

"Where am I?"

I was surrounded by darkness. Terrifying, all-consuming darkness. Wait...I was shot!... Am I dead!?... Fuck...Being dead sucks. Dying sucks. John Winchester sucks. This whole situation sucks. Zero out of five stars. Would not recommend it.

"Hello?!" I yelled into the abyss.




"Please! Help!"


Fear crept into me. I was panicking. I was alone and I couldn't see an end. I blindly started running, with no inkling of where I was going.

"No, No! Someone Help Me!"




"DEAN!" I screamed.


I kept screaming. Screaming for Dean, for Bobby, for Rufus, for Sam. Hell, I even fucking screamed for John Fucking Winchester, but no one replied. I don't know how long I've been here or how long I've been screaming. It felt endless. It felt like I'd been here for years. My only company is me, myself, and I. Was this really the afterlife? An eternity of going insane with nothing, but your own thoughts? This was fucking false advertisement from every religion I knew of.

"I'M DONE!" I screamed after what felt like an eternity of wandering and screaming.

I've been here for so long that I could barely remember Dean. I could barely remember my own name. Tears poured down my face. I missed his green eyes... At least I think he had green eyes. They were green right?... maybe they were blue... Shit! Fuck!


"Aww, already? I thought you would last longer."

I froze. Great, I finally lost it.

"I'm not going to disagree, but I'm not a figment."

I looked around the darkness searching for the voice.

"Who's there?!"

It was off-putting. The voice sounded like me.

"A friend."

"I'm sorry, but I was taught not to talk to strangers. Especially strangers that claim to be my friend."

"That's funny. You've been screaming for someone to answer you and when someone finally does you turn them away."

I was speechless. The voice was right. I have been screaming for someone for who knows how long. Could I afford to be picky?

"If it makes you feel better, we've met before."


"I have known you for a long time. Since before you were born. In fact, I've known about you since the first of your lineage."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means what I said."

This time the voice sounded like it came from right behind. I whipped around, but there was nothing there.

Love Can Be Magic (Dean Winchester x OC)Where stories live. Discover now