25. Going Home

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(May 2nd, 2002) 

(Arden Age 23, Dean Age 23, Sam Age 19, Elijah Age 24)

"Hello? "

"Happy Birthday Sammy!" I said into the phone.

"Thanks, Queenie, it means a lot that you called," He chuckled, but there was an undertone of stress in his voice. "I honestly forgot it was my birthday."

"Are you okay? You sound stressed."

"Yeah, that's because I am. Finals are next week and they aren't holding back."

"Sounds about right," I said remembering my first semester at Harvard. "Well, take a break, eat some food, drink some water. And no coffee doesn't count. In fact, why don't you take the rest of the day off? Actually celebrate your birthday."

"Okay Mom," He teased.

"I'm serious," I stressed.

"Fine, I'll take it under advisement."

I sighed knowing that he'll ignore my suggestion unless I brought out the big guns. "If I were you I would rethink that answer. I'm currently driving through Idaho, and have no problem rerouting my destination to Palo Alto." I threatened.

"Oh God please don't," Sam complained.

"Then I suggest you do as I say."

"Okay! Fine! "

I laughed in victory. "Good that's one less thing I have to worry about."

"Yeah, whatever. How are you doing? You still seeing that guy?"

"Asa? Umm, sorta," I blushed at the thought of Asa Fox. 

We weren't dating, but we also weren't just friends. I guess you could call it an open relationship or a friend with benefits scenario. Whenever he was close by he would take the time to visit me and it would usually end with me lying naked underneath the sheets watching him walk out the door.

"It's complicated Sam."

"You guys have been seeing each other for two years and you still don't have a label for whatever you guys are? " Sam asked incredulously.

"No we don't have a label and I know what you're hinting at and I don't have an answer for you." I sighed. I wish it was simple. 

Sam sighed into the phone. "You deserve better Arden. You deserve a guy who will treat you like the Queen you are, no pun intended."

"Sam I'm fine. How about you find yourself a relationship before you start giving me dating advice."

"Point taken, but at least try to talk to the guy. Who knows maybe he'll surprise you."

"Maybe, but not likely," I said knowing Asa.

I really liked Asa. He's kind, funny, very easy on the eyes. He's also a very good man. But he's also a player and with him also being a hunter I don't see him changing his ways anytime soon.

"Okay well, how's the drive?" He asked changing the subject.

"The drive is good. I have about nine hours left till I reach Seabrook." 

I quickly glanced through the rearview mirror, checking on my sleeping partner in the back seat. His large furry body was curled into an adorable tight ball.

Love Can Be Magic (Dean Winchester x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن