#47: Dungeons and Dragons

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Yes, it is 2am when I am publishing this.

Yes, I know my sleep schedule is messed up.

Yes, I know I will regret it in the morning.

And yes, I do not care.


Everyone is at or between 11 and 13 years old in this oneshot.


I really loved writing this haha


Anyway, here's a fun/cutesy/hilarious oneshot for you!! Because the oneshot AFTER this one is very angsty, so I'm trying to give y'all a lot of fluff to help cushion how sad the next oneshot will be.




"I recite the magical incantation of the Miraculous and summon the powers of Tikki!" The twelve year-old girl exclaimed. She rolled the dice on the table to determine her fate.

Her best friend---the Dungeon Master of their game---considered the level of the number. "Sixteen!" She cleared her throat and continued speaking dramatically. "The runes on the door to the dragon's lair glow red. The doors creak as they slowly ope--"

"--Aaaaaah! Six months of questing!" The small boy to her left squealed. "I can't believe we're finally here."

"Adrien!" Alya groaned and facepalmed. "Stop interrupting me while I'm setting the scene!!"

"Sorry!" The tweenage boy ducked his head, unable to hide his excitement. "It's just that I've been waiting for this moment forever!" He grabbed the dice and rolled it. "My character sheds tears of joy."

"Ah! Critical fail!" The dark-skinned girl pointed at the top number---a three. "Instead, your character breaks his leg."

"Well, that's unfortunate."

"Nino!" Adrien groaned and buried his face in his hands. "A little more support would be nice!"

"That's what you get for naming your character after a black cat---it literally symbolizes bad luck. Who in their right mind would name a knight after the most unlucky omen ever?" The girl with pigtails spoke up to his left.

He blushed. "Well, your character symbolizes luck, right? I thought I could be the counterpart!""

"Dude," Nino pushed his glasses up his nose and laughed. "That wasn't very good planning on your part."

"Well at least I'm a useful knight of the king---not some bard in a pub!"

"Whoa, chill out dude! Bards are awesome, so don't hate on Carapace's musical talents, you Metal-Mouth!"

Adrien gasped and covered his mouth. "Braces are nothing to be ashamed of! And that nickname isn't even clever. Plus, what kind of name for a character is 'Carapace' anyway?"

"It's better than 'Sir Chat Noir, the Bravest and Handsomest knight in the land', at least. It's stupid and unnecessarily long---it wouldn't fit on his birth certificate!"

"He's a fictional character! He doesn't have a bir--!"

"--Guys!!!" Marinette and Alya yelled to get the two boys' attention.

"Can we get back to our quest?!" The girl adjusted her pigtails with an impatient sigh.

The boy with blond hair blushed, profusely. "Of course, My Lady."

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