#29: A Tale of Fallen Heroes (Pt.4)

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been too active lately!!

Here you go!




A Tale of Fallen Heroes (Pt. 4)

Chapter 4: Swords and Ribbons

It had been months since the fight with the Muteineer. And after those many months the band of heroes had grown closer together.

Over the many months, there had been many Tainted attacks that were so diverse that they tested the heroes' abilities to the brink. But they also grew from the battles. 

They learned what strategies worked best for their plans and whose abilities worked best for certain situations. How Bumblewing was good at surprise attacks, whereas King Noir and Remmywing were best used as slow-burns and attacks that were time consuming. And how Foxglove could use his powers to hide key items from the tainted people and to trick them, where Ladybug's powers were best suited for gradual and consistent attacks.

Ever since he had saved Ladybug, she had grown infatuated with King Noir—trying to gain his attention and make him laugh. Kai thought she was a sweet girl. She meant well and merely wanted to show her affection, and although he never sought it, he did find it charming how she persisted but remained polite and respectful. 

But unfortunately, he couldn't return her feelings. If only he wasn't already in love with Laila, the he might give the spotted heroine a chance.

Although many things had changed over the months, Kai stuck to his training routine.

He practiced martial arts such as archery, staff-fights, and throwing. And on other days, he focused on exercising his mind. With meditation, learning, and strategizing—his mind was getting quicker all the while.

Today, he was perfecting his swordplay.

Kai was quick on his feet, weaving in and out of the way of his imaginary attacker. He concentrated all attacks to be on his imaginary opponent's left side of their body; knowing that it'd be better to attack all in one place, rather than spread his arms further while trying to injure the enemy elsewhere.

Flexing his abdominals, he used his momentum to abruptly stop, slice the sword through the imaginary left shoulder, and flipped over whilst dragging the enemy behind him. Had the move been in a real fight, the opponent would have been knocked out of breath, immobilized, and most likely weak from the loss of blood.

Breathing sharply, Kai stuck the tip of his sword to the ground and rested against the handle for support—trying to calm down after the adrenaline rush.

The crunch of gravel nearby drew his attention and he swiftly spun around.

Standing a mere ten feet away was a familiar willowy figure with long raven hair. Her light green eyes were rimmed by thick lashes and shone in surprise.

"Mei Laila?" Kai's voice came out rougher than normal. He couldn't tell whether it was the beautiful girl or his adrenaline-filled state that was the cause of his breath being robbed from him.

The young woman's eyes widened and she blinked, curiously.

"How do you know my name?" She queried.

Kai brushed his dark hair out of his eyes and looked at her with a slight smirk.

"Do you really not recognize me? I've heard being sent off to a military school does alter a man, but I don't think I really changed that much."

After a moment's pause, Laila's jaw hung in shock and disbelief. She snapped it up, hurriedly, a wonderous smile dawning on her face

"Chang Kai?!" She asked. "Is that really you, Kai?"

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