#5: Refrigerator Roulette

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Hey! Welcome! 

Hope you enjoy this one!

(P.S. This painting isn't my best, I know. But I really like to have the paintings match the story)


MLB: Refrigerator Roulette

"So, you're really going to eat that?"

Marinette uneasily eyed the plate of food in front of her husband. If you could even call it that. What used to be green chile enchiladas, from Marinette's Mexican cooking phase, was now a dark, putrid brown.

Its color seemed justified as Mari had made it over a year ago... she just hadn't gotten around to throwing anything out of their fridge before now—and she was sorely regretting it.

Adrien nodded, looking sickly.

"Prove it."

Adrien's face grew greener, still. As much as he loved Mari, he really didn't want to lose this round to her.

He quickly took a bite, swallowing it.

"Ugh! Adrien, why won't you just give up?!!" his wife whined.

"Because I don't want to clean the kids' rooms!"

Oh, sorry! Let me explain what this is all about.

You see, Marinette Agreste was tired of having to clean everything. So, she made a deal with her husband. They would both eat the most disgusting things in their fridge (to clean it out) and the person who refused to eat something that the other would, would have to clean the kids' rooms for a month. And they were some messy kids!

Plagg had lovingly dubbed the 'game' as "Refrigerator Roulette." He and Tikki observed the couple to make sure that neither one would cheat. But it was getting harder and harder to not gag at the sight of everything that they were willing to eat!

The foods had started out edible enough; warm apples, last week's Chinese take-out, and stale bread. But then they got worse; like rotten tomatoes, slimy leftover steaks, and ancient Sloppy Joe's.

Marinette grimaced as she promptly ate a bite of the enchilada. She gagged.

"Remind me to never attempt to make Mexican food again."

"I pinky promise."

"What's next?" Marinette shuddered, still repulsed by the taste that lingered in her mouth.

"Let me look," Tikki responded and flew to the fridge.

"Uh oh!" the tiny voice cried.

"What is it?!"

"The worst thing ever!! And there's nothing else left in the fridge!" she cried in despair.

"Tikki... what is it?!"

"It's..." she lowered her voice. "It's Plagg's wheel of Camembert!!"

Oh no, Adrien was having flashbacks.

No, no, no, no, no!

MLB OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora