#28: The Ladybug Movie

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The art is not mine!


According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a ladybug should be able to fly.

It's wings are too small to get it's fat, little body off the ground.

The ladybug, of course, flies anyway.

Because ladybug's don't care what humans think is impossible.

Marinette Laydee Bug-Cheng woke up to the gentle humming of her alarm clock. She rose with a smile to start the day. 

Mari walked around her giant leaf floor to the bathroom in the bud of the rose-house they lived in.

She gazed at her reflection in the dew-drop that she used as a mirror and styled her antennae. 

Once she was satisfied, she walked to her petal-closet and pulled out her wardrobe.

"Hmm..." she sat and considered the bug-garments before her. "Red, black. Red, black," she ticked the outfits off as she narrowed down her selection. 

"Red, black. Red, black--Ooh! Black and red! Let's shake it up, a little!" She giggled and pulled the 'fabric' over her small insect body.

"Mari-bug!" She heard her dad call from downstairs. "Breakfast is ready!" 

"Coming!" She hollered back.

In a rush, she flung out her wings and flew down to the kitchen.

"Marinette!" her mother reprimanded. "Use the stairs! Your father paid good money for those!"


I'm sorry, did you actually think this was an update?

Well sorry to burst your bubble, but that, my friend, is actually the beginning of the script of 'The Bee Movie'. I just changed a couple words and added descriptions. XD

I had to grab your attention, somehow.

Now, I'm sure you're wondering, "Katie, if this isn't a oneshot, then why did you make it seem like it was and posted it?"

The answer is simple, my friends. I have bone to pick with some of you. And no one will actually read a chapter titled 'IMPORTANT RANT'.

Buckle your seatbelts ladies, gents, and everyone in between--I have asked you guys to address this issue several times and very few have actually done it. And now, you have unleashed the wrath of a tired, hungry, annoyed,  stressed, and cranky Katie.

So, I'll make y'all a deal. If you endure my rant and do as it asks, I will be as nice and informative as I can. I'll try not to let my emotions get the better of me. And I won't hold it against anyone. Deal?

Here we go.


Why doesn't anyone vote??! 

You guys, I work REALLY hard to make these clean, well-written, with good grammar, and with matching artwork—and yet some of you can't take two seconds to click on the star at the top or bottom of the screen and make it turn orange?!

There ARE those of you who do vote, and for you guys, I give you the biggest hug and 'Thank you' that I have ever given. I could seriously kiss you for that.

But there are also people who are just browsing and reading my story but aren't taking the time to click on the star button. And they think that they're being super sneaky by not voting—because then I don't get the notification that they read a chapter/oneshot. 

But apparently, they also don't realize that I check my 'reads' counter daily and that I also get notifications when they comment on my story.

So please, if this is something you're doing (on mine or someone else's stories), I'm asking you to please stop. I'm not gonna call anyone out or hold it against you.

You guys, if you vote, it promotes our stories so that other people can see it. So please vote and give authors the acknowledgement that they deserve and that motivates them to keep on writing.

And if you don't think that that work is worthy of being promoted, well TOUGH LUCK! 

(I'm sorry, I'm getting emotional again, aren't I? It just makes me so furious that this is something that I've tried to address politely several times, and there are still so many people who think that they can get away with it.)

You guys, you don't even have to think of it as 'voting'. I use the voting star all the time as a bookmark, sometimes! You can use it to keep track of what oneshots/chapters you've read already. 

I don't think you guys understand how important an author's work is to them! 

It's like having a baby. You sacrifice sleep and a LOT of time for it. You make sure that it's content is clean. You're responsible for this book baby. You feel so proud of it when it grows up. You want it to be appreciated. 

And when people OBVIOUSLY see it and READ it ('cause I can see those view-counters!!) and they don't take a few seconds to say, "Wow. This was nice! Thank you for all the time and effort that you put into making this!"

Or if you don't like it, that's fine. Just acknowledge that you read it, please.

Because when you guys don't vote, to me that means that you don't like my story....AKA the baby. And if you mess with baby, then I want to become a raging Mama Bear.

All authors/writers work hard to give you these stories because it's something that they feel connects them and makes them happy to do.

So, in conclusion, PLEASE vote on whatever chapters you read of any person's book. Please.


Any comments?


Have a nice day!

Love ya!

<3 Katie

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