#9: According to You

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Hey! I found this song while surfing YouTube, and it really reminded me of Lukanette. And, I'm not a huge Lukanette shipper, but I just loved this idea!!!



Marinette stood behind the curtains, waiting to be called onto the stage by Mme. Bustier.

She felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see a certain blue-haired boy.

"Luka!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms about his neck.

He stumbled, slightly.

"How are you feeling, Marinette? Nervous?"

"I'm absolutely terrified!" She quaked, slightly. Luka wrapped his arms a little tighter around the girl's slim waist, trying to comfort her.

They stayed like that, for a few minutes, until Mme. Bustier told Marinette that she would be performing, next.

Taking a deep breath, Marinette straightened the pink headband in her hair.

"Should I really do this, Luka? What if he reacts badly? He might not wanna be my friend anymore!"

He faced her and put his hands on her shoulders, rubbing them, slightly.

"Of course he'll want to be your friend! And if he reacts badly, I can guarantee that you'll be fine. All your friends will support you." He paused. "I will always support you, Marinette."

She blushed. 

"Thanks, Luka."

"Also," he walked over to the side and pulled something out from behind a box. "I want you to use this up there."

She looked at it and gasped.

"Your guitar? Really Luka?"

"Of course! After all of our guitar lessons on this, I think you'll feel a lot more comfortable playing on this one rather than a school-issued guitar."

She hugged him, fiercely.

"Thank you, Luka."

They heard Mme. Bustier's voice coming from the stage.

"Thank you for that...wonderful...display of dancing, Ms. Bourgeois."

The student body applauded, to be polite. Barely.

"And for the last performance, tonight, we have Ms. Marinette Dupain-Cheng." 

Wild cheers followed he words. 

Marinette winced as she heard Alya, clear as day, yelling "You go girl!!!!"

With one last hug from Luka, Mari walked onto the stage to a stool that stood in the center of the stage.

She sat on it, hear pounding.

Taking a deep breath, she began to strum Luka's guitar and sing.

(A/N: Play the song now!!)

According to you,

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