#44: I Love You

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Hey!!! I guess I just hit a streak of angst-oneshots XD

This one is a Chatie (Chat x Katie) oneshot that I came up with while brainstorming devanshiprakash2007's request in oneshot #42. 


In the oneshot, Chatie is officially dating----like they were in #42.


So, this is kinda emotional-angst. No death or anything that dramatic. But I just felt like trying to write some comfort angst and whatnot. Besides, this way I can make Katie and Chat's relationship seem less one-dimensional. In this one, they get in their first big argument.


This was lowkey fun to write lol




Katelyn Avery stood on the edge of the Eiffel Tower, watching the magical ladybugs repairing the damage the akuma caused. The smoke gradually cleared and the fallen buildings were fixed. The glowing insects flew around, restoring the health of everyone who had been affected. The cluster flew towards the brunette girl and circled around her. Katie gave a sigh of relief as her broken arm, bruised ribs, and bloody nose were mended. She tugged her burgundy sweater closer to her small frame, trying to get rid of the sense of shock. 

The sound of frantic footsteps to her right caught her attention. She turned around and pasted on a smile. Not a moment later, her boyfriend engulfed her in a desperate hug. They stayed like that for a while before he finally released her.

"A-are you okay?" The pupils of his green eyes were thin with terror and adrenaline. He abruptly cupped her chin and moved her head around as he checked for wounds. His frantic hands were clumsily feeling along her sides for further injuries. 

"Chat, I'm fine." Katie smiled and brought her hand to his cheek. He flinched at her touch, but she still tried to comfort him. She looked him in the eyes and spoke strongly. "Look, I'm okay!" She held up her hands in a flare of style.

To her quiet distress, the boy turned away from her and faced his partner. "Ladybug." His voice was hoarse and carefully emotionless. "Can I leave you to take care of the akumitization victim? I need to take Katelyn home."

"Of course, Chat." Ladybug's face was wary.

As her boyfriend approached her and positioned her arms around him for safety, Katie saw the solemn and apologetic look the spotted heroine was giving her. Chat Noir hooked an arm around the brunette's waist and secured her own wrists on his shoulder. Ensuring that she wouldn't fall, he gathered her up in his arms and leapt off the Parisian structure.

The bounded across rooftops for a few moments before she broke the silence. 

"Adrien?" she whispered into his ear. "What's the matter?"

The boy shook his head and continued to ignore her. Katie felt heartbroken at his behavior. Even though he was holding her tightly, it felt like he was trying to distance himself from her. She couldn't bear it.

She furrowed her brows. "No, you're going to tell me what's really wrong."

"No." He had a deliberately focused expression across his face.

It was obvious that he didn't want to talk about it. Unluckily for him, she did want to talk. And she wasn't going to give up until she knew what was on his mind.

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