#4: Rhino

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Hello, beautiful people!

I forgot who requested this, but someone asked if I could write about Marinette and Adrien as a couple, fighting over something stupid and acting super sweet to each other after the fight. 

I had a lot of fun writing this! XD

Guys, I also love taking requests! Send 'em to me! I love to hear your ideas!

(P.S. The artwork , above, is made by me. Yeah, it's very simple compared to what I normally put on here, but it's relevant to the story XD)



*3rd Person POV*

"I can't believe you said that!" exclaimed Marinette, furiously.

"Well, I can't believe you think that you are right!!" Adrien retorted.

"Honey, I'm the wife; I'm always right!"

"Keep tellin' yourself that, babe."

Marinette gasped.

Uh oh. Adrien knew he was in for it.

"Adrien, there is no way that Rhino likes you more than me!" she gestured toward the hamster.

That's right. You read it correctly. They were fighting over who Rhino, their hamster, loved most.

"Mari, he obviously loves me because I actually pay attention to him—unlike you."

"I pay attention to him! I may not stick him in a remote-controlled car and race him around the house—like you do—making messes wherever you go. But instead, I take care of him! I clean out his cage, change his water, give him food, and take out his 'pebble-box'! And I read him stories and say 'goodnight' to him!"

"At least he has fun with me! He's bored out of his mind, when he is with you!"

"Can you suddenly speak 'Hamster' now?!"

"I might as well! At least I don't speak 'Desperate'!"

Marinette wanted to slap her husband.

"How dare you?!! Well, you know what?!" she continued.


"He likes me 'cause I'm the pretty one!!"

"And what does that make me? The 'ugly' one?!"

"Excuse me! I am not a human mirror!"Adrien retorted.

"You could break mirrors with a face like that!" Marinette snapped.

Adrien gasped. 

That was a low blow.

Low. Blow.

He sputtered, "Well—well, I—"


Both Marinette and Adrien's heads swiveled to see their 3-year old son, Louis Agreste, holding Rhino.

Giggling, the little boy stroked the little hamster. He squealed as the little critter ran up his arms.

His parents' jaws hung as they witnessed Rhino nestle himself in their son's blond locks.

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