Turning my teacher into an Akuma

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No, unfortunatley, I do not have a new oneshot yet. I'm still waiting for my animatic to no longer be copyrighted -_-

In the meantime....

*sips tea* 

Have I got a story for you!!!!


Sooooooo I turned my awful choir teacher into an akuma! XD

Basically, the backstory of why I hate him (btw, it takes a LOT to get me to hate a person) is that he overreacted about a whole lot of stuff and took it out on me. He basically kept claiming I was the most disrespectful and rude person ever. Me. If I wasn't so upset, I'd be laughing.

He's a new choir teacher---he just got hired this year. While we've been virtual, he was pretty chill, but ow that we're in person, I have gotten yelled at no less than 4 times in one week---a SCHOOL WEEK, mind you, so that means 4 times in 5 days.

The first time, he yelled at me and called me the most disrespectful student he'd ever known.....because I didn't hear him say "goodbye" to me when he was 8 ft away.

The second time was when I asked to go to my chemistry class so I could ask my teacher about a certain problem I was having on the assignment, and he threw a fit saying that I was wasting precious time---I was gone for 15 minutes *rolls eyes*

The third was when we had 5 minutes to get to class, and I was talking with one of the new girls in choir and was the last one to get into the choir circle. He then paced the room and lectured us about how he deserves respect. ("I played piano for the ballet in New York for 10 years, so I deserve what you guys seem to not want to give me!!!!")

FYI, we are the most respectful and accepting kids you will ever meet. We are also Honor-Roll students, involved in National Honors Society, Student Council, church activities, and basically make up the entire awards show at the end of every school year.

Yeah, I know, he's totally stupid.

He also was telling us about how we don't respect him because he's a new teacher, which is NOT TRUE---our last choir teacher was a new teacher and we loved her to bits. Then he started venting about how a parent was rude to him because he took down a decoration that a student made.....yeah it was so irrelevant.

And the whole time, he kept glancing back to me, especially when he was talking about how rude we were.

Sir, I am a 5'1, almost-17-year old, very-mature-for-my-age, top-of-the-honor-roll, soft-girl with big eyes, who wears pink and sweaters all the time. Does it look like I have a deliberately-disrespectful bone in my body?!

After that interaction, I was so emotionally exhausted from angry crying under my bed from the emotional whiplash this man was giving me, and I told my friend (who WITNESSED these explosion-episodes he had, especially the ones directed at me) that if he did it again, there was a good chance I wouldn't have any control over my actions.

Sure enough, THE NEXT DAY, it happened again.

It the last straw was when I came in his class during lunch so I could hang out with my friend who was having voice lessons at the time.

He asked me if I wanted voice lessons and I literally said "No thank you, I'm just gonna finish my lunch and then go to class."

He then yelled "You see, this is EXACTLY what I'm saying when I say you are being very rude!!!" While I was shocked at his sudden outburst, he proceeded to list how rude I was and how I should have responded with "Thank you, Mr. *teachers name*, that would be AMAZING!" and he kept going on about how he is trying to teach us how to be professional in music class.

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