#6: MLB Imagines and Short Stories

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I was trying to figure out what to write for a MLB Oneshot...but I couldn't choose 'cause everything sounded good!

So, I present, "Every Idea I had in Mini Versions!!"


Thank you! And enjoy!


"Hey guys!" Adrien called as he walked toward his friends, Nino and Marinette

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"Hey guys!" Adrien called as he walked toward his friends, Nino and Marinette.

"H-Hey Darien! I mean--hey, Adrien!!" Marinette stuttered.

"What are you guys doing?"

Nino answered, "We're actually waitin' for Alya. She's at some class, or something."

"She--she's at her Life Lessons extra-curricular class," Mari explained.

"Life Lessons?"

"Yeah, I don't understand it, either, dude."

Adrien gazed at Marinette. She was always so shy and awkward around him, but he couldn't figure out why. Maybe if he made her laugh, she'd finally feel at ease around him. He turned to speak to her but stopped when he spotted her brunette friend hurrying toward them.

"Hey, Alya!

"Hey guys! I just had the best lesson ever!"

"What was is about, babe?"

"Well, it was about a lot of things, but the main point was to appreciate the little things in life."

Adrien quirked an eyebrow. 

"What else di---aaaah! Adrien!! What are you doing?!!" Marinette exclaimed.

Adrien had wrapped his arms around the shorter girl and pulled her close in a hug.

"I'm appreciating the little things in life, Mari."

Nino and Alya burst out, laughing.

"Adrien Agreste! I demand that you unhand me, this minute!!"


She waited.

"Why haven't you let go?"

"Because it hasn't been a minute, yet. And I'm appreciating the shorter things in life!"

"I'm not that short!!" 


Marinette Agreste was at her desk, working on her designs, when Tikki came rushing into the room

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Marinette Agreste was at her desk, working on her designs, when Tikki came rushing into the room.

"Marinette!" The small kwami exclaimed. "Have you seen Plagg?!"

"No, I can say that I have," Mari replied, feeling uneasy at how nervous her kwami's voice was.

Tikki sighed. "I can't find him anywhere and I'm worried he's in trouble! Can you help me look for him?"
Marinette set down her sketchbook. "Of course I'll help you. Where did yo--" 




Tikki cringed at the cacophony that echoed around the house. 

"Nevermind...I think I've found him."


"Wait, I'm sorry, Adrien

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"Wait, I'm sorry, Adrien. Can you say that a little slower? I can't think straight at 6 o'clock in the morning!!"

Marinette rubbed her eyes, groggily.

"Mari, love of my life, I...I did something that I don't think you'll like."

His wife's eyes snapped wide, all tiredness forgotten.

"What did you do? Did you cheat on me?!! Was it Lila?!!! I'm gonna kill her!!"
"No!" Adrien exclaimed and grabbed her shoulders, preventing her from murdering the brunette.

"No, it wasn't anything like that, Buggaboo."

Marinette sighed, "Then what is it?"

"Well...I kinda...Iimpulsivelyadoptedfivecats!!"
Adrien cowered.

"I, uh, I adopted five cats."

Marinette's shocked expression morphed into one of intense laughter. She giggled loudly.

"So," Adrien began. "I take it you're not mad at me?
"Mad at you? I'm livid!!"

"Then why are you laughing?!"
"Because I can't decide if I should kiss you or punch you in the face!!"
"...Can I pick?"

"Oww! Buggaboooooo!!"


Anyway, let me know what you thought! 

Do you like mini stories, like these, or long and detailed oneshots, better?


Also, I'm writing a new book! It's about witches during the Salem Witch Trials!! It's called "Mona Greene and the Sisters Salem"!! 

But, I need a little help with the details!! Can you please check out the third post on that book and answer as may questions as you can? Especially if they already have answers! I need diverse options to choose from!!


Vote! Comment! Share!


Have a nice day!

Have a nice day!

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