#41: A Tale of Fallen Heroes (Pt. 7)

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Gahhhhh, it is SOOOOOO hard to write after two weeks of inactivity and writers' block!!

I was sooooo close to just not finishing this story, you have NO idea.



This is also a short update, sorry!!!

I'm saving all my creative powers for something that's coming in less than a month!!! Be on the lookout for #43!!! HEHEHE


WARNING: This is an angsty story. If you are triggered by blood, hand-to-hand combat, and major character death, do not read this or the next part (part 8). (And maybe not part 6, but that has already passed at this point.)


I apologise in advance as I have not really written anything in 2 weeks and this sucks




"A Tale of Fallen Heroes (Pt. 7)"

Chapter 7: Rusty Roses

-Previously on "A Tale of Fallen Heroes, Chapter 6: Bite of a Viper"-

The viper villain threw Foxglove away from him. The hero crashed against a tree with a scream of unimaginable pain. Through the muffled ringing in his ears, he was able to discern two words.

"Finish him."

The first rays of the morning light burst through the foliage. The warm colors danced across the sky, calming the man, even as he was about to face his end. He focused his steadily clouding eyes at the prominent purple hue over the village. Purple always was her favorite color.

He barely registered the sting of the viper's bite on his calf. He didn't care anymore. Why? Because the sky was purple. 

He exhaled deeply, finally at rest, and welcomed death with open arms. Goodbye, Madeline, My Love, was the last thought in his head.

-Flashback to the day before-

King Noir sat on the edge of the rooftop. He surveyed the village---cape billowing up behind him. He crouched lower on the roof, overlooking the central courtyard. If a civilian looked up and saw him, they might have compared him to a predator. His black super suit, stiff poise, and grim expression of extreme concentration made him look almost panther-like. Had he been an actual cat, his haunches would be raised and his eyes would be all but narrow slits.

He sat there, watching over the villager----a silent protector. The man had been there all day. He'd sat there for hours on end, making sure that his hometown was safe. A rosey scent reached him in the breeze and he adjusted his posture to accommodate the newcomer. He smiled a little as he felt her nearing presence. "Hello, Ladybug," he said, softly.

The raven-haired girl sat next to him and smiled a little. He couldn't help but notice she was more emotionally strained, today. Her lips were thin and tightly pressed together---a sign of stress. Ladybug was paler than usual, as well, and her eyes weren't as brilliant of a green as normal. She fidgeted with the crimson swaths of fabric at her waist. 

"Hello, My King." Her voice was taut. 

He turned to his side to get a better look at her. "What is the matter?"

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