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Hey!! I finally decided to do another Q&A!! Thank you all for your questions, and I'm sorry if I've forgotten any!!


AFriend_4_Life asked the following questions:

1. Who's your fav singer? Why do you like them?

Well, I don't really have a favorite singer, to be frank. I have favorite genres, though! I like a lot of Broadway musicals, Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist, A Capella groups, and pretty much anything except hardcore rap and rock music.

2. What's your age?

Almost 17 😳🤯😬

3. Your pet age?

Toby is 4 years old and Lily Ann is almost 3, I think.

4. Your birthday?

May 21st

5. Your pet's birthday?

Toby's is March 7th and Lily's is June 12th

6. Your fav food? Why is it your fav?

Again, I don't have a specific dish that I like best. I like a variety of 'genres' for food. I like Mexican, Italian, Chinese, Thai, some Indian, and your basic junk food. Why? I like varieties.

7. Who's your crush? Tell his/her name?

You know what, I actually wish I could say I have a crush. 

It seems like it'd be really fun to imagine a life with a specific someone who you can put a face to. Unfortunately, however, the boys where I'm at are....how do I say this nicely? Stupid, immature, gay (all the good ones are, unfortunately for me), crude, gross or just a friend. Seriously, I've been fantasizing moving elsewhere just so I can meet new people XD

If I had to pick a person to crush on, I'd pick one of my fictional husbands.

8. Your best friends on Wattpad?

Nayhomi12 (irl bestie) Jelewsie 1-800-MVRA leiana52 IceBlueShadows Gummy61rl

9. You should tag your friend and tell that she's your best friend (If you want you can do this)

Okayyyyy let's get this over with (Jk XD)

Nayhomi12, well, you're probably my best friend, in real life. 

Gah, I'm not good with words, but whatever at this point. It's currently 2:13am when I'm doing this so YOSO (You Only Sleep Once) 

So, I think I'm supposed to say why you're my best friend? Oh boy. I could give you a whole list why, but I'd better just simplify it. 

I think we met in 7th grade—I was the shy bookworm and you were the nice (slightly shorter) girl who talked to me. It sounds cheesy, but you helped me become who I am today. 

You introduced me to Shadowhunters (and consequently many of my fictional husbands) and you are there for all my fangirl attacks. We talk every day. We stay up late until 3am and reprimand the other about getting more sleep. Just today, we were having an existential crisis whilst trying to figure out the verb definition for what sound a monkey makes. For instance, how a dog barks, a cat meows, or an elephant trumpets---not the actual sound effects. (If anyone knows the answer, I would greatly appreciate it) 

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