Chapter 46

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Shiki quickly ran towards Roa and kicked the vampire into the school building. Just as Roa was getting up, he suddenly jumped to the side as Shiki was in front of him. As he looked at Shiki, he soon jumped to the roof of the school.

"Heh. He shouldn't be able to make it here as quickly. Now I can have a moment to think of a strategy."

"Why are you running Roa?!"

Roa soon looked towards the side of the school and his eyes were wide with shock. Shiki ran so fast that he was scaling the school wall. As the boy soon jumped up, he spun his body and kicked Roa into the door that lead back into the school. When Roa got up, he saw Shiki looking down on him.

"You aren't scared are you? This path called death should be familiar to you.
Though I guess you know the contrast between a regular one and a death by my hand. After all, at least with a regular death you can come back."

Roa soon ran towards Shiki. Seeing this, Shiki didn't move one inch. As Roa got close enough, he sinks his claws into Shiki's shoulder. At first he smiled but when saw Shiki's eyes, he felt a shiver through his entire being. As he jumped back, he screamed in pain as he saw the arm that he used to claw at Shiki has been severed.

"You know, I have a friend who's an exorcist. At first, I thought that our difference in exorcising the supernatural was because of strength. Though I guess I should thank you Roa, because you gave me my answer. Teru can fight harder through his desire to protect his brother and his family. I can never do that, so I can fight without restraint or care for my own life. After all, unlike Teru, I have nothing to lose anymore."

As Shiki said this, he stabbed his knife into the floor of the roof that Roa and himself were standing on. However, he actually stabbed a point of death on the ground which caused the roof to collapse.

Roa and Shiki fell through the roof as they landed inside the school. Dust filled the air so Roa couldn't see Shiki clearly. However, he felt an enormous amount of bloodlust behind him as he heard one thing.

"Are you ready to repent?"

As Roa quickly jumped away, Shiki managed to cut off Roa's right leg

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As Roa quickly jumped away, Shiki managed to cut off Roa's right leg. Roa yelled in agonizing pain. His left arm and right leg were severed from his body and he couldn't regenerate them. All he felt in their place was a hot and intense sense of pain. Soon Roa used his remaining arm to shot bolts of electricity towards Shiki, but Shiki simply killed them with his eyes as he cut them with his knife.

"Go away....."

"You killed Arcueid."

"Go away."

"You robbed her of a future...."

"GO AWAY!!!!!!"

" i'll rob you of everything."

As Roa looked at Shiki, he saw a window next to him. He could survive the fall, but he wasn't sure about Shiki. Roa then sends more electricity to Shiki as he crashed through the window as was falling towards the ground.

"Dammit, dammit, dammit!!!! Am I...actually scared of a mere human?! I need to focus, first i'll drink some random human's blood to make my wound close up and then...."

Roa's eyes became wide with shock when he saw something falling towards him. When he got a closer look, he couldn't believe his eyes. Shiki actually jumped out the window just to kill him. When Shiki got close enough, he grabbed Roa by his arm and pulled him close to him.

"I'll see you in hell, Roa."

After saying that, Shiki stabbed his knife into a point of death in Roa's chest as both the vampire and himself crashed into the ground. When the dust settled, it revealed a small crater.

Inside the crater, Roa's body felt the full force of the fall while Shiki merely used the vampire to cushion his fall. As Shiki stood up, he removed his knife from Roa's chest and got out of the small crater.

Shiki starts to walk away as Roa's existence was disappearing. While this happened, Roa tried to think of a way to survive. He didn't want to die, not like this. Soon he used his remaining strength to propel himself to one person.


"Heh. You really are pathetic when backed into a corner, huh."

Roa didn't have time to react. He didn't have time to dodge in midair. It was swift, yet it was full of pain. Shiki had slit Roa's throat in an instant and stomped on the vampire's head. Roa couldn't believe it. He was bested by a human.

"Hehe. You've been fun, Roa. Maybe a little bit too fun. In all my years of just living, killing you was the most satisfying thing to happen to me. I'm a killer, I spent my whole life denying it, yet when I started to accept it life became easier. I have you to thank for that. Because you're the first thing i've hated so much to resort to this. Well, don't you think so? It's like nothing else matters. This is the best time of my life."

Roa couldn't speak a single word. After all, Shiki just sliced his throat open and blood just continued to pour out the wound as he was disappearing.

"Sorry, guess you can't speak with your throat slashed open. Damn, there's so much blood coming out that I can't even see the wound I caused you. Remember this feeling, remember this fear Roa. You caused hundreds of people to feel this and you robbed Arcueid of her life. More...just a little longer, I want you to feel just as much agony as Arcueid. But this is fine, because I killed you. I killed the existence known as Roa. If I were to say one thing to you it's this......Eat shit Roa, i'll see you in hell."

As Roa looked at Shiki, he had one thought before he was completely gone. Just from seeing Shiki like this, just from seeing Shiki fight with no restraint...he learned one important thing.

"I may be a vampire....but this killer. The boy known as Shiki the real monster."

With his last thoughts, Roa's existence has completely disappeared. No blood, no limbs, no soul. Any trace of Roa's existence was now gone. As Shiki was walking, he saw Arcueid's lifeless body. When he did, he saw the sun rising into the sky.

"It's here. The sunrise of a new day is here. A morning without Roa is here. A day without you in my life is here. Goodbye and thank you Arcueid. In my heart.....I loved you back. Thank you for caring about me. Thank you for saying you love me. And thank you......for teaching me how to live."

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